The composition designated 'chapter 136' by Richard Lepsius, from its position in the Ptolemaic Period papyrus of Iufankh, varies in length from manuscript to manuscript. From the New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC) sources, Edouard Naville distinguished two chapters, which he numbered 136A and 136B. Most of the contents occur already within the Middle Kingdom (about 2025-1700 BC) funerary composition known in Egyptology as the 'Book of Two Ways' (principally known from coffins from Bersha, and included by de Buck at the end of his edition of the 'Coffin Texts').
T G Allen compared the following parts with Coffin Texts:
Book of the Dead chapter 136 | Coffin Text number |
A paragraph a | 1030 |
A paragraph c | 1055, 1167 |
A paragraph d | 1060, 1169 |
A paragraph e | 1067, 1176 |
B | 1032-1034 |
Many New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC) manuscripts follow the same order as the Book of Two Ways, with 136A paragraph a (Coffin Text 1030) followed by 136B (Coffin Text 1032-1034). Examples include the Book of the Dead of Satiah (UC 71001), and that of Maiherperi (in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo).
Chapter 136A/B transliteration (using signs A, i, y, a, w, b, p, f, m, n, r, h, H, x, X, s, S, q, k, g, t, T, d, D) with translation
Chapter 136A (part a, Coffin Text 1030)
r n sqdwt m wiA aA n ra
mk ir xbsw m iwnw Hnmmt m Xr-aHA
ms nTr arq sSd.f nDr dpw.f
wDa.i r sxnw wxrt nTrw
Sd.i wiA im.f n xA r tp.f
pr.i r pt sqd.i im.f r nwt
sqd.i im.f Hna ra
sqd.i im.f m gfw xsf awA nwt r rwd sbg
Formula for sailing in the great barque of Ra
See now the stars in Iunu, the sun crew in Kheraha.
The god is born, his headband is tied, his steering-oar is taken up,
and I cut with them to the tackle of the shipyard of the gods.
I move the barque with him, the one of the lotus at its head,
and I go out to the sky, I sail in it to Nut.
I sail in it with Ra,
I sail in it as the monkey that repels the thieves of Nut at the terrace of
Sebeg (Mercury)
Chapter 136B (Coffin Texts 1032-1034)
r n sqdwt m wiA aA n ra r swA Hr Snyt nt xt
xt twy nn wbxt irt HA ra dmAw HA.f
snD n.s nSny wiA n ra wbxt Dsrt
ii.n.i Hna sk-Hr m qAb n s.f Dsr
iw mA.n.i sy n mAat xfrw
i.imy DbAt aSA sw iArw iw mA.n.i im
iw Ha.n m Haaw m nfrw
ir.n.i wAt m HAt wiA
wTs.i m itn.f Ssp.i m Axw.f
DbA.f sbx m nb mAat
pwy gr in psDt
Dryt nt ist mTn mtry n.f it.f nb imyw
iw wDa.n.i bgst im.f
idn in.n.i tfnt anx.f
is mAi sp sn Dd.xr n.f mtry mAat nb tm
nis.i m mSrw wnwt.f
mTn wi ii.kwi in.n.i n.f arty r-sTAw
in.n.i n.f psdw imyw iwnw
dmd.n.i n.f aSAt.f
iw xsf.n.i n.f aApp psg.n.i n.f nspw
ir n.i wAt swA.i m-m.Tn ink imy nTrw
mi dpty n nb siA twt iwa wr
in r.f xt axm xt
ir n.i wAt ityw
aq.i r Axt swA.i r-gs smsw
mtrw.i imy wiA.f
SAs.n n.i Snyt xt HA nb Hnskt
spXr in wHmw
Hr Hr.Tn HfAw aftt di.Tn swA.i
ink wsr nb wsrw ink saH nb mAat ir.n wADyt
mkt.f mkt.i pw mkt ra
mTn wi m pXr.f m sxt Htp tAwy
nTr aA r.k ip psDt.f m-m rdi Htpwt
Formula for sailing in the great barque of Ra to pass
by the circle of fire
This flame it is, glowing at the back of Ra, tied behind him,
The storm fears the barque of Ra for it, glowing and sacred.
I have come with the Destructive-of-face in the bend of its sacred lake.
I have seen the ones brought to Right, the double lion accompanying them.
O he who is in the chest, he is numerous in reeds, and I have seen there.
When we rejoice, their old ones are in joy, and their young ones in happiness.
I have made a way at the front of the barque,
I rise in its disk, my light is in its powers,
he clothes sheltered as the lord of Right.
What is this one, says the Ennead.
The kite of Isis. Look, his father lord of what is within gives witness for
I have cut away the hostile from him,
as substitute, I have brought Tefnet, so that he may live.
Come then, come then. He should then be told the witness of Right, of the Lord
of All.
I summon in the evening at his hour.
Look, I have arrived, I have brought the two jaws of Resetjau,
I have brought the back bones that are in Iunu.
I have assembled for him his many parts.
I have repelled Aapep for him, I have spat upon the wounds.
Make way for me so that I may pass by with you. I am the one with the gods.
Come double boat of the lord of Perception, for you are the heir of the Great
If there is fire, quench the fire.
Make way for me, fathers and their kin (?),
so that I may enter the horizon and pass by with the eldest.
My witness is the one in his barque.
The fire circle behind the lord of the tress rushes for me.
Circulated by the reporter.
On your faces, far serpents! Let me pass.
I am the mighty one, lord of the mighty gods, I am the noble one of the lord
of Right, made by Wadjyt.
His protection is my protection, and the protection of Ra.
See I am in his circuit in the field of offerings of the two lands,
the god greater than you, who counts his ennead among those who give offerings.
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