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Tiy, the great royal wife of Amenhotep III
Tiy is the daughter of Iuya and Tuya; Iuya was an official whose family came from Akhmim. Tiy is the most influential woman in the reign of Amenhotep III, and retained influence even after his death. She appears next to the king in many temples and had her own temple at Sedeinga (Nubia). She gave birth to at least four daughters: Satamun, Henuttaneb, Nebetiah, and Aset. Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten is certainly, according to the written sources, her son; the mother of the Thutmose who was also son of Amenhotep III is unknown. Tiy appears on many objects together with her husband; she is well attested in Amarna and Gurob. She survived her husband for several years.
objects with the name of Tiy and Nebmaatre (Amenhotep III) - click on each picture for a larger image or more information (UC 376a)
Bryan 2000: 267-268
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