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Furniture in New Kingdom Egypt

In the early New Kingdom(about 1550-1350 BC) it became the custom to place objects of daily life in the tombs. These objects include furniture. There is no other period with such a high number of well preserved items of furniture.

(click on the images to see a larger picture or the archaeological context)

fragments from Gurob
leg of a stool
leg of chair
part of a box, Sedment
gilt inlay (?), found at Qurneh
UC 16562
UC 24311, inlay found at Qurneh

bone and ivory inlays of boxes (?); unknown provenance; the dating into the New Kingdom is not always certain
UC 58834, ivory inlay UC 58837, ivory inlay (?) UC 58815, ivory carving from box (?) UC 58839 UC 58852, strips of ivory



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