Foreign relations in the Middle Kingdom (about 2025-1700 BC): Minoan Pottery in Egypt
The most concrete evidence for contact between the Minoan world and Egypt are objects found in Egypt and in Greece. There are many Minoan vessels and sherds found in Egypt, though far below the scale of Mycenaean pottery in the New Kingdom. There are also several Egyptian imitations of Minoan vessels: these are important because they indicate not only import but also impact. However, they are not decisive evidence for direct contact.
Imitation of a Minoan vessel (from Harageh)
A full discussion of Minoan pottery found in Egypt: Kemp/Merrillees 1980 |
The spiral becomes a prominent independent element in Egyptian art in the Middle Kingdom. Spirals are characteristic of Minoan art. It remains an open question, whether they are developed independently in Egypt or influenced by Minoan culture.
spirals on scarabs
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