Fayum Neolithic (Fayum A)
Fayum Neolithic is the earliest securely attested full Neolithic culture in Egypt.
Most sites of the Fayum Neolithic (also called Fayum A) were found at the northern rim of the Fayum, excavated by Caton-Thompson, Gardner (1924-1926), Wendorf and Ginter and Kozlowski (in the 70s and 80s). The sites, datable about 5200-4000 BC are mostly camps located at the ancient lakeshore, similar to the sites of the Qarunian. Kom W is so far the largest known settlement. Almost no remains of buildings were found but about 248 'fire-holes', which the excavators interpreted as hearths. Many grain silos were found, mainly at Kom K. There are many animals bone - including domestic animals - attested, but it is not clear whether they were already fully domesticated. Hunting and especially fishing were very important. The Fayum Neolithic is contemporary with the Neolithic culture of Merimde and is in many ways connected with it (compare a map of African Neolithic cultures).
The excavated sites which are represented in the Petrie Museum:
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