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Burial customs of the Ramesside Period
Burial customs changed in the early Ramesside Period. Objects of daily used placed in a tomb had been very typical for the Eighteenth Dynasty: such objects are no longer put into the tomb. Most of the gravegoods are now especially made for a burial. In burials of high elite officials this includes a coffin or sarcophagus, a canopic box with canopic jars, shabtis with one or several shabti boxes and a 'Book of the Dead'. Other objects include several amulets, a heart scarab. Much energy was put into the construction of the tomb chapels. Multiple burials are common.
Some objects found in high elite tombs
heart scarabs
coffins and mummy boards
shabti boxes
Book of the Dead
Poorer tombs
Burials of not so well-to-do people are often without any further burials goods, through the absence of daily life objects. All 'money' was spent on a coffin. A set of crude shabtis is quite common, some graves (mostly of children) contain amulets.
pottery coffins
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