Amarna: Wall paintings from different places in the city
UC 2275
UC 2245b-e
UC 2281
UC 38137
UC 2277
UC 2278
legs of a princess (?)
fragments of inscriptions
a servant (two fragments, which may not belong together)
a servant
UC 2265
UC 2262
UC 2272
UC 2280
UC 2288
UC 2293
sitting man
legs of a foreigner (?)
a head
two women
two heads
paintings published by Petrie, but not in the Petrie
UC 2287
UC 2294
UC 2289
Petrie 1894:
pl. III-IV(from the pavement in the palace
- marked red)
Petrie 1894:
pl. V
name and filiation of Maketaten
three heads
part of furniture, pillows
Further reading:
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