(only the brick built sub structures survived; next to the tomb of the king (B19-B15-B10) are the smaller tombs of servants and animals belonging to the royal court)
Kaiser 1964: 96-102
(identified B19, B15, B10 as belonging to Aha)
Kaiser/Dreyer 1982: 212-226,
fig. 1-2; Dreyer 1990: 62-67 (report
on the German excavations)
Petrie 1901: 7, pl. LIX
Spencer 1993: fig. 54 (view of
the subsidiary tombs), 56 (view of the three tomb chambers)
UC 35694 clay seal
impression (B 19);
Kaplony 1963: abb. 61
UC 14278 fragment of a limestone stela (B 10);
Stewart 1979: 5, no. 14, pl. 2.10
Seal impression (showing the king's name and the hieroglyphs
H + t);
Kaplony 1963: abb. 78
wooden label UC 19603
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