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Ihnasya: Roman lamps
A typology of lamps of Roman - Islamic Egypt, based on Petrie observations concerning the material found at Ihnasya. The datings are mainly based on Petrie's notes concerning the contexts of many lamps found in houses, which are roughly datable through coins. There are, though, some problems with the lamps published. Petrie stated himself (Petrie 1904: 4): 'The material consisted of the dated examples from houses, undated from the excavations, lamps found by the sebakh diggers and bought by our party, and lamps bought from dealers at Medinet el Fayum. I have not distinguished between these various groups, as it is clear that the great majority were made at some distance ...'.
(click on the images for a larger picture)
found in House F - Fourth century AD
Delta lamps
Early Roman Period
Head lamps
late Ptolemaic - Early Roman
Shouldered lamps: Round body lamps with knob at sides
Ptolemaic - Roman
Dolphin lamps: lamps with a thumb (handle at the side; originally they represented dolphins)
Ptolemaic - Roman Period
Neck lamps
mostly fourth century AD to Islamic Period
Groove lamps
fourth century AD to Islamic Period
Frog lamps: one of the most common lamp types
Ptolemaic - Roman Period
Corn lamps
Ptolemaic - Roman Period
Boss lamps
Early Roman Period
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