Highlights of the UCL Pathology Museum

Wax models
Wax models have a long history of use in medical education.

The first case of nephro-lithotomy
Nephrolithotomy is a surgical procedure that removes kidney stones from the kidney.

Robert Liston’s surgical case
Robert Liston was a pioneering surgeon and the first Professor of Clinical Surgery at University College Hospital (UCH).

‘The Foley Place Tragedy’
Fracture of the odontoid process caused by a bullet, from an 1855 murder case.

Toy car belonging to a child with pica
A toy car that has had its paint eaten away by the owner.

Sword swallower’s heart and oesophagus
This specimen is the oesophagus and heart of a sword swallower who died in a sword swallowing accident.

Pulmonary embolism
This specimen is a heart that has been opened to reveal the pulmonary embolism that caused the patient’s death.

Deformed thorax and curved spine
This specimen shows the deformed thorax and curved spine of a child suffering from rickets.

Choking larynx
This specimen shows a larynx that has been fully obstructed by a large piece of pork chop.

Club foot
This plaster cast from Great Ormond Street Hospital shows an example of extreme congenital talipes equino-varus, or club foot.