
Museums and Collections


Highlights of the UCL Pathology Museum

Information about the UCL Pathology Museum's collections and research.

Sensitive images

Please note that these pages contain images of human remains. We acknowledge that it is likely that the people represented in our collections did not consent for their remains to be retained.

Wax model of a hand

Wax models

Wax models have a long history of use in medical education.

A heart showing pulmonary embolism

Pulmonary embolism

This specimen is a heart that has been opened to reveal the pulmonary embolism that caused the patient’s death.

A larynx that has been obstructed by a piece of pork chop

Choking larynx

This specimen shows a larynx that has been fully obstructed by a large piece of pork chop.

Plaster cast showing an example of extreme congenital talipes equino-varus, or club foot

Club foot

This plaster cast from Great Ormond Street Hospital shows an example of extreme congenital talipes equino-varus, or club foot.