
Museums and Collections


Support the Petrie Museum

Find out all the ways you can support the Petrie Museum's work.

Donate to the Petrie Museum

Support the Petrie Museum today by making a donation.

The money raised through donations helps finance crucial projects in the museum. Recent work includes laser-cleaning the plaster bust of Amelia Edwards, repair to an Ibis mummy which is shown in the new entrance gallery, and a thorough survey of all metals in the collection.

We have also been able to fund paid placements for conservation students to help protect the collection and gain vital work experience. We are very grateful for the funds raised through donations to help us carry out this work.

Donate to the Petrie Museum →

Become a Friend of the Petrie Museum

Friends of the Petrie Museum supports the Petrie Museum in partnership with its staff, management and researchers to enhance the physical, social and intellectual space of the collection.