Recent Publications Design and performance of a fast thermal responce CPA salt pill for use in a millikelvin cryocooler (pdf) Design and performance of a fast thermal responce CPA salt pill for use in a millikelvin cryocooler (pdf) Performance of a fast responce miniature Adiabatic Demagnetisation Refrigerator (pdf) Performance of a fast responce miniature Adiabatic Demagnetisation Refrigerator (pdf) Thermal Magnetoconductivity of Tungsten below 6 K: Combining the zero, Low and High Field Cases (pdf) Thermal Magnetoconductivity of Tungsten below 6 K: Combining the zero, Low and High Field Cases (pdf) Magnetoresistivity research Thermal characterisation of a tungsten magnetoresistive heat switch Thermal characterisation of a tungsten magnetoresistive heat switch Thermal magnetoconductivity of Tungsten below 6K: Combining the Zero, Low and High Field Cases Thermal magnetoconductivity of Tungsten below 6K: Combining the Zero, Low and High Field Cases millikelvin cryocooler Millikelvin cryocooler for space and ground based detector systems Millikelvin cryocooler for space and ground based detector systems Design and performance of a fast thermal responce CPA salt pill for use in a millikelvin cryocooler Design and performance of a fast thermal responce CPA salt pill for use in a millikelvin cryocooler Performance of a fast responce miniature Adiabatic Demagnetisation Refrigerator Performance of a fast responce miniature Adiabatic Demagnetisation Refrigerator Space cooler development publications Improved performance of EM cryogen free dADR Improved performance of EM cryogen free dADR Millikelvin cryocooler for space and ground based detector systems Millikelvin cryocooler for space and ground based detector systems Magnet development publications Design, Manufacture, and Test of an Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator Magnet for Use in Space Design, Manufacture, and Test of an Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator Magnet for Use in Space Design and manufacture of a low-current ADR magnet for a space application Design and manufacture of a low-current ADR magnet for a space application