At MSSL Cosmology we are involved in several of the worlds largest astronomical facilities both on the ground and in space.

At MSSL Cosmology we have lead roles in the Euclid Weak Lensing Science Working (Tom Kitching) and participate the the development of the Science Ground Segment. MSSL also leads the hardware development of the optical wavelength (visible light) focal plane; the Euclid VIS instrument.

At MSSL Cosmology we have leading roles in various Planck working groups (Jason McEwen) that are performing the cosmological analysis of Planck data.

KiDS is a 1500 square degree optical imaging survey on the ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) Survey Telescope (VST). We are part of the KiDS science team and are involved in assisting with the weak lensing data processing.

The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) is a wide-field survey that will image the available sky every few nights. It will provide petabyte scale data-sets. At MSSL Cosmology we are heavily involved in potential UK contribution to LSST, particularly in the Informatics and Statistics Science, and Dark Energy Collaborations.