Supporting Schools
We have a passion for sharing our research and engineering in areas of astrophysics and solar system science and we also discuss the missions we are working on, careers in space science and space history.
Our Initiatives:

Through the Orbyts programme MSSL researchers are partnered with schools to provide pupils with relatable science role models while empowering them to conduct their own original space research projects.

Space Science Week
Every year we run a summer scheme (normally in July), known as Space Science Week, for 16 to 18 year olds interested in pursuing space science or engineering as a career.
International Reach:
We work in partnership with organisations such as the Royal Observatory, Greenwich where our PhD students and staff support the delivery of planetarium shows and give talks to members of the public, the London International Science Youth Forum, for which we have hosted visits and given talks, and the Ri through support on the Christmas Lectures. Our schools engagement has an additional international reach though taking part in initiatives such as Skype a Scientist and the Global Science Show, which is a virtual science festival held on Twitter.