
UCL Department of Space and Climate Physics


Clone of Solar Physics Seminars

If you are interested in giving a seminar in any solar physics related topic at MSSL, please contact Alex James (alexander.james.15[at]ucl.ac.uk).

Upcoming Talks

9th MarchScott McIntoshHigh Altitude Observatory


The Dawn of Space Meteorology?



Past Talks


13 FebruaryLuke BarnardUniversity of ReadingImproving coronal mass ejection forecasting with heliospheric imagers; what are we doing wrong
8 FebruaryRichard MortonNorthumbria UniversityA global view of velocity fluctuations in the corona
26 JanuaryJack CarlyleESTECThe St. Patricks day 2015 geomagnetic storm


6 DecemberSatoshi InoueMax Planck Institute for Solar System ResearchOnset and Dynamics of the Solar Eruption
10 NovemberPearse MurphyTrinity College DublinA statistical analysis of the solar phenomena associated with global EUV waves
27 SeptemberMartin LamingNaval Research LaboratoryElement Abundances and Turbulence in Slow and Fast Solar Wind Streams
24 AugustAlexander RussellUniversity of DundeeSunquake generation by coronal magnetic restructuring
31 MayMichael KennedyQueen's University BelfastObservations of the Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrum of Hydrogen and Helium in Solar Flares
16 MarchDavid BrooksNaval Research LaboratoryMeasurements of non-thermal line widths in solar active regions and recent results from NRL
14 MarchDuncan MackayUniversity of St. AndrewsCan an L5 Mission Magnetograph Improve the Predictive Capability of Global Magnetic Field Models?
9 FebruaryHirohisa HaraNational Astronomical Observatory of JapanRelationships between Fast Reconnection Outflows and Loop-Top HXR Sources at the Very Early Phase in 2013 May 15 Eruptive Flare
6 JanuaryLarisza KristaCU/CIRES & NOAA/SWPCAutomated Detection of Coronal Dimmings


17 NovemberMike KoschSouth African National Space AgencySpace Weather Forecasting
27 OctoberMichael KirkNASA Goddard Space Flight CentreTracing the Chromosphere through the Corona with sequential chromospheric brightenings 
22 OctoberErika PalmerioUniversity of HelsinkiPrediction of in-situ measurements from coronal observations
12 OctoberIan JonesGoonhilly Earth StationGoonhilly Earth Station - Goonhilly Past, Present and Future
29 SeptemberMarco StangaliniAstronomical Observatory of RomeWill next solar telescopes detect the smallest processes in the Sun's atmosphere?
24 SeptemberAntonia SavchevaHarvard-Smithsonian Centre for AstrophysicsData-constrained simulations and topology analysis of erupting sigmoids
13 JulyAndrew HillierUniversity of Cambridge DAMTPTheory and observations of MHD turbulence in solar prominences
10 JuneMarchos TrichasAirbusCarrington-L5: The Next Generation Space Weather Operational Mission.
19 MayAlphonse SterlingNASA/Marshall Space Flight CentreA Revised view of solar X-ray jets
13 MayJason ByrneRutherford Appleton LaboratoryStudying Coronal Mass Ejections in the newly developed CORIMP Catalogue
1 AprilTiago PereiraInstitute for Theoretical Astrophysics, OsloUsing IRIS to trace the flow of energy in the solar chromosphere
11 MarchEoin CarleyObservatoire de ParisRadio, EUV and white-light eyes on coronal shock waves
18 FebruaryNathalia AlzateUniversity of AberystwythCoronal "Puffs": Fast and slow ejections caused by active region jets


3 DecemberStan GunarUniversity of St. Andrews3D Whole-Prominence Fine Structure Modelling
18 SeptemberNobuharu SakoNational Astronomical Observatory of JapanA study for the acceleration mechanism of x-ray jets using Hinode/XRT
17 SeptemberMartin LamingNaval Research LaboratoryThe Connection Between MHD Turbulence and the First Ionization Potential Effect
24 JulyScott McIntoshHAO/National Center for Atmospheric ResearchObserving Cycles, Seasons, and Storms
15 JulyShaun BloomfieldTrinity College DublinFields, Features, & Flares: Predicting Solar Activity
2 JulyJoanna HaighImperial College LondonThe Sun and the Earth's climate
29 MayIain HannahUniversity of GlasgowEmission measure distributions of solar eruptive events
24 AprilGraham KerrUniversity of GlasgowAn Overview of White Light Sources in the 15th February 2011 Solar Flare
10 AprilMatsui YukiUniversity of TokyoImaging, spectroscopic and stereoscopic observations of the bi-directional inflow in the solar flare
27 MarchAntonia SavchevaHarvard-Smithsonian Centre for AstrophysicsSolar Sigmoidal Active Regions: From Formation to Eruption
12 MarchMiho JanvierUniversity of DundeeFrom MHD simulations to coronal observations: How to build a standard flare model in 3D
19 FebruarySpiro AntiochosNASA/Goddard Space Flight CenterThe Role of Magnetic Reconnection in the Genesis and Development of Major Solar Eruptions
5 FebruaryClive DyerUniversity of Surrey Space CentreSpace Weather: past, present and future
29 JanuarySimon ThomasUniversity of ReadingGalactic Cosmic Rays: Probes for Space Weather and Climate
15 JanuaryHugh HudsonUniversity of California, BerkeleyNew Light on Loop Prominence Systems