If you are interested in giving a seminar in any solar physics related topic at MSSL, please contact Alex James (alexander.james.15[at]ucl.ac.uk).
Upcoming Talks
9th March | Scott McIntosh | High Altitude Observatory |
The Dawn of Space Meteorology?
Past Talks
Date | Name | Affiliation | Title |
13 February | Luke Barnard | University of Reading | Improving coronal mass ejection forecasting with heliospheric imagers; what are we doing wrong |
8 February | Richard Morton | Northumbria University | A global view of velocity fluctuations in the corona |
26 January | Jack Carlyle | ESTEC | The St. Patricks day 2015 geomagnetic storm |
Date | Name | Affiliation | Title |
6 December | Satoshi Inoue | Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research | Onset and Dynamics of the Solar Eruption |
10 November | Pearse Murphy | Trinity College Dublin | A statistical analysis of the solar phenomena associated with global EUV waves |
27 September | Martin Laming | Naval Research Laboratory | Element Abundances and Turbulence in Slow and Fast Solar Wind Streams |
24 August | Alexander Russell | University of Dundee | Sunquake generation by coronal magnetic restructuring |
31 May | Michael Kennedy | Queen's University Belfast | Observations of the Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrum of Hydrogen and Helium in Solar Flares |
16 March | David Brooks | Naval Research Laboratory | Measurements of non-thermal line widths in solar active regions and recent results from NRL |
14 March | Duncan Mackay | University of St. Andrews | Can an L5 Mission Magnetograph Improve the Predictive Capability of Global Magnetic Field Models? |
9 February | Hirohisa Hara | National Astronomical Observatory of Japan | Relationships between Fast Reconnection Outflows and Loop-Top HXR Sources at the Very Early Phase in 2013 May 15 Eruptive Flare |
6 January | Larisza Krista | CU/CIRES & NOAA/SWPC | Automated Detection of Coronal Dimmings |
Date | Name | Affiliation | Title |
17 November | Mike Kosch | South African National Space Agency | Space Weather Forecasting |
27 October | Michael Kirk | NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre | Tracing the Chromosphere through the Corona with sequential chromospheric brightenings |
22 October | Erika Palmerio | University of Helsinki | Prediction of in-situ measurements from coronal observations |
12 October | Ian Jones | Goonhilly Earth Station | Goonhilly Earth Station - Goonhilly Past, Present and Future |
29 September | Marco Stangalini | Astronomical Observatory of Rome | Will next solar telescopes detect the smallest processes in the Sun's atmosphere? |
24 September | Antonia Savcheva | Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics | Data-constrained simulations and topology analysis of erupting sigmoids |
13 July | Andrew Hillier | University of Cambridge DAMTP | Theory and observations of MHD turbulence in solar prominences |
10 June | Marchos Trichas | Airbus | Carrington-L5: The Next Generation Space Weather Operational Mission. |
19 May | Alphonse Sterling | NASA/Marshall Space Flight Centre | A Revised view of solar X-ray jets |
13 May | Jason Byrne | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory | Studying Coronal Mass Ejections in the newly developed CORIMP Catalogue |
1 April | Tiago Pereira | Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Oslo | Using IRIS to trace the flow of energy in the solar chromosphere |
11 March | Eoin Carley | Observatoire de Paris | Radio, EUV and white-light eyes on coronal shock waves |
18 February | Nathalia Alzate | University of Aberystwyth | Coronal "Puffs": Fast and slow ejections caused by active region jets |
Date | Name | Affiliation | Title |
3 December | Stan Gunar | University of St. Andrews | 3D Whole-Prominence Fine Structure Modelling |
18 September | Nobuharu Sako | National Astronomical Observatory of Japan | A study for the acceleration mechanism of x-ray jets using Hinode/XRT |
17 September | Martin Laming | Naval Research Laboratory | The Connection Between MHD Turbulence and the First Ionization Potential Effect |
24 July | Scott McIntosh | HAO/National Center for Atmospheric Research | Observing Cycles, Seasons, and Storms |
15 July | Shaun Bloomfield | Trinity College Dublin | Fields, Features, & Flares: Predicting Solar Activity |
2 July | Joanna Haigh | Imperial College London | The Sun and the Earth's climate |
29 May | Iain Hannah | University of Glasgow | Emission measure distributions of solar eruptive events |
24 April | Graham Kerr | University of Glasgow | An Overview of White Light Sources in the 15th February 2011 Solar Flare |
10 April | Matsui Yuki | University of Tokyo | Imaging, spectroscopic and stereoscopic observations of the bi-directional inflow in the solar flare |
27 March | Antonia Savcheva | Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics | Solar Sigmoidal Active Regions: From Formation to Eruption |
12 March | Miho Janvier | University of Dundee | From MHD simulations to coronal observations: How to build a standard flare model in 3D |
19 February | Spiro Antiochos | NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center | The Role of Magnetic Reconnection in the Genesis and Development of Major Solar Eruptions |
5 February | Clive Dyer | University of Surrey Space Centre | Space Weather: past, present and future |
29 January | Simon Thomas | University of Reading | Galactic Cosmic Rays: Probes for Space Weather and Climate |
15 January | Hugh Hudson | University of California, Berkeley | New Light on Loop Prominence Systems |