UCL School of Management

Bart Vanneste

Associate Professor
Phone number
(0)20 3108 6051
(internal 86051)
Office location
Level 38, 1 Canada Square
Rm SW4


Bart Vanneste is an Associate Professor in the Strategy & Entrepreneurship group of the UCL School of Management. Bart’s research focuses on artificial intelligence and corporate strategy. He has published widely including a book titled Corporate Strategy: Tools for Analysis and Decision-Making and in prestigious journals such as Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, and Strategy Science. He is the Programme Director of the AI for Business executive education programme at the UCL School of Management. He was awarded the Management Best Teacher Award by UCL School of Management. He obtained a Ph.D. in Strategic & International Management from the London Business School and an M.Sc. in Data Science & Machine Learning from UCL, and was on the faculty of INSEAD.


Bart‘s research interests include corporate strategy, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and algorithmic management.

PhD supervisor to:

Research projects

Generative AI and Organizations

Investigating the far reaching effects and implications of generative AI on individuals and organizations
Selected publications
Vanneste, B., & Puranam, P. (2024). Artificial Intelligence, Trust, and Perceptions of Agency. Academy of Management Review.
Zohrehvand, A., Doshi, A., & Vanneste, B. (2023). Generalizing Event Studies Using Synthetic Controls: An Application to the Dollar Tree–Family Dollar Acquisition. Long Range Planning. doi:10.1016/j.lrp.2023.102392 [link]
Vanneste, B. S., & Ranjay, G. (2022). Generalized Trust, External Sourcing, and Firm Performance in Economic Downturns. Organization Science, 33 (4), 1599-1619. doi:10.1287/orsc.2021.1500 [link]