HemeLB: cardiovascular modelling and simulation in UKCOMES, 29-30 May 2019
15 March 2019
UKCOMES are hosting a meeting on "HemeLB: cardiovascular modelling and simulation in UKCOMES" centred around lattice Boltzmann simulations for blood flow.
The meeting takes place on 29-30 May 2019 at UCL in London:
Engineering Front Building Executive Suite 103, Engineering Front Building, Torrington Place, London, WC1E 7JE, United Kingdom
Register here to attend the meeting.
A draft agenda is available here.
Organising Committee:
- Peter Coveney, UCL
- Derek Groen, Brunel
- Miguel Bernabeu, Edinburgh
- Emily Lumley, UCL
Speakers include:
- Robin Richardson, UCL
- Alex Patronis, UCL
- Jon McCullough, UCL
- Jianping Meng , STFC
- Ulf Schiller, Clemson
- Timm Krueger, Edinburgh
- Rupert Nash, Edinburgh
With more to be announced shortly.
The UK Consortium on Mesoscale Engineering Sciences (UKCOMES) is an EPSRC grant addresses mesoscopic simulation. Such simulations require a multidisciplinary approach that needs to span a wide range of both spatial and temporal scales and necessitates close interaction between researchers in the physical and chemical sciences, mathematics, biology, engineering and computational science. UKCOMES brings together all the required expertise to make critical theoretical discoveries and translate these new concepts into software that is able to exploit today's and future high-end computing hardware developments, focusing primarily on the further development of the lattice Boltzmann method.
This event is supported by EU H2020 funded projects CompBioMed (grant agreement No 675451) and VECMA (grant agreement No 800925)