
UK Consortium on Mesoscale Engineering Sciences



7 January 2016

On December 17th 2015 UKCOMES holds an all-day workshop at UCL.

The agenda includes:

Welcome and Introduction (Kai Luo)

Invited Presentations (Chair: Mark Savill)

  1. Derek Groen: Blood flow in the middle cerebral artery: towards quantifying errors
  2. Sebastian Schmieschek: Towards large-scale simulation of personalised magnetic drug targeting
  3. Yonghao Zhang: multiscale kinetic methods for non-equilibrium flows
  4. Krzysztof Kubiak: Modelling of functional surfaces in dropwise condensation
  5. Tim Reis: Burnett stress and the implementation of boundary conditions for lattice Boltzmann algorithms
  6. Daniel Lycett-Brown: Industrial LBM

Workpackage Presentations (Chair: Jon Summers)

  1. WP A (Lead: Michael Seaton): Core Code Development, Optimisation & Maintenance
  2. WP B (Lead: Yonghao Zhang): Micro & Nano Fluidics
  3. WP C (Lead: Rongshan Qin): Thermal Applications
  4. WP D (Lead: Tim Phillips): Multiphase and Complex Fluid Applications
  5. WP E (Lead: Kai Luo): Reactive, High Speed and Turbulent Flows
  6. WP F (Lead: Peter Coveney): Multiphysics Phenomena
  7. WP G (Lead: Mark Savill): Multiscale Simulation & Optimisation

Consortium Management Issues (Chair: Kai Luo)

  1. UKCOMES Website (Sebastian Schmieschek/Kai Luo)
  2. ARCHER Updates (Rupert Nash)
  3. UKCOMES Annual Report (Kai Luo)