A first workshop was held at UCL on December 17th, 2014, attended by 10 representatives of participating consortium groups with presentations by Cranfield (Prof.
Savill & Dr. Timos Kipouros); UCL (Prof. Kai Luo & Dr. Daniel Lycett-Brown); Leeds (Dr. Mark Wilson & Nicholas Delbosc); and attendance of Michael Seaton (Daresbury STFC), Rupert Nash (Edinburgh EPCC), Joe O'Connor (Manchester for Revell). Two (international and national) test cases have been established: a baffled micro-reactor configuration for fluid mixing; and a micro-combustor geometry for electrical power generation or thrusters propulsion - URANS, LES and DNS data are already available for these to allow multiscale evaluation against LBM. CPU-based work is underway with the consortium PDRA (Daniel Lycett-Brown) cross-comparing the Southampton/UCL LBM code with the Cranfield one in 2D and then 3D for the micro-reactor case, before moving onto DL_MESO for the micro-combustor mixing case which will then allow the extension to combustion LBM to be explored. A first integration of LBM for micro-fluidic design optimisation within a GPU environment has been achieved at Cranfield; speeding up the process by a factor of more than 50, resulting in a much richer and more detailed design space exploration. The experience gained in porting under CUDA will next be transferred to DL_MESO. The workshop identified the exciting possibilities opened up for topology optimisation and real-time simulation/optimisation, as well as new prospects for deploying LBM for acoustic analyses.
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