Psychological Interventions
Humma AndleebPhD student, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Epidemiology | Neuroscience | Global Mental Health | Wellbeing | Psychosocial |
Rebecca AppletonResearch Assistant, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Wellbeing Laura-Louise ArundellPhD Student, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences |
Chris BarkerEmeritus Professor, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Psychosocial | Community Mental Health Phoebe BarnettResearch Fellow Other research interests include |
Angela BarrettResearch and Communications Officer, Psychoanalysis Unit Other research interests include Psychosocial | Children and Young People's Mental Health | Wellbeing |
Jo BillingsAssociate Clinical Professor/Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Division of Psychiatry I have particular clinical and research interests in PTSD, trauma, resilience and the mental health and wellbeing of high-risk occupational groups. I have also published research related to the acceptability and impact of psychological interventions as well as qualitative research on a variety of topics. Other research interests include |
Michael BloomfieldPrincipal Clinical Research Fellow, Division of Psychiatry Dr Bloomfield's work seeks to understand the mechanisms underlying how exposure to risk factors for mental illness during childhood and adolescence alter adult brain and cognitive function to give rise to mental illnesses so that new treatment and preventative interventions can be developed. He has been awarded an Excellence Fellowship from University College London, the British Medical Association's Margaret Temple Award for schizophrenia research, the British Association of Psychopharmaocology's BAP Award for Junior Clinical Psychopharmacologist of the Year and the Royal College of Psychiatrists Trainee of the Year award. In addition he has received young investigator awards from the European College of Neuropsychopharmocology, the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology and major international research societies. Other research interests include Serious Mental Illness | Pharmacology | Neuroscience | Trauma |
Rochelle BurgessAssociate Professor in Global Health, Institute for Global Health Other research interests include Global Mental Health | Trauma | Children and Young People's Mental Health | Psychosocial |
Alexandra BurtonSenior Research Fellow, Institute of Epidemiology and Health I currently lead on the qualitative component of the Shaper-PND implementation trial to explore the experiences of new mothers with postnatal depression who take part in group singing sessions. I am also working on studies that explore the impact of social isolation on health and well-being during the covid-19 pandemic. Other research interests include Serious Mental Illness | Dementia | Psychosocial | Physical Health Jennifer CearnsPostdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Anthropology Other research interests include Digital Health | Psychosocial | Wellbeing | Children and Young People's Mental Health |
Brian ChingResearch Assistant, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Epidemiology | Physical Health |
Lorna CollinsResearch Fellow, Institute of Epidemiology and Health Other research interests include Mood Disorders | Wellbeing | Global Mental Health | Epidemiology |
Claudia CooperProfessor of Psychiatry of Older Age, Division of Psychiatry I am interested in the epidemiology of older people's mental health, happiness and wellbeing, and in the mental health of carers of people with dementia. Other research interests include elder abuse - its epidemiology and prevention; and the provision of quality and equality in dementia care. Other research interests include Dementia | Epidemiology | Cognition | Qualitative Research |
Ravi DasAssociate Professor, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Neuroscience | Pharmacology | Serious Mental Illness | Substance Abuse |
Quentin DerconPhD student in mental health science (UCL-Wellcome programme), Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Other research interests include Mood Disorders | Cognition | Epidemiology | Neuroscience Katherine EllisAssociate Lecturer, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Cognition | Neurodevelopmental Conditions | Psychosocial | Children and Young People's Mental Health |
Guilherme FioriniPhD Candidate, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include |
Stephen FlemingSir Henry Dale Fellow, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Dementia | Neuroscience | Mood Disorders | Cognition Abigail FreemanClinical Fellow, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Mood Disorders | Psychosocial | Children and Young People's Mental Health | Suicide and Self-harm | Serious Mental Illness |
Sabina FunkResearch Associate, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Cognition | Dementia | Global Mental Health | Mood Disorders | Neuroscience | Older Adult Mental Health | Wellbeing |
Eriko GavinioPhD Student and Clinical Psychologist, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Cognition | Neuroscience | Psychosocial | Wellbeing |
James GilleenSenior Lecturer, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Pharmacology | Cognition | Neuroscience | Wellbeing | Serious Mental Illness | Children and Young People's Mental Health |
Rebecca GouldAssociate Professor, Division of Psychiatry My main research interests are in evaluating psychological interventions such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and mindfulness-based therapies for: i) older people with mental health conditions (including anxiety and depression); ii) people with neurodegenerative diseases (including dementia and motor neuron disease); iii) carers of people with neurodegenerative diseases; and iv) people with physical health conditions. Other research interests include examining the assessment of frailty in older people with mental health conditions, and evaluating psychological interventions for this population. Other research interests include Dementia | Older Adult Mental Health | Physical Health | Mood Disorders |
Ishtar GoviaVisiting Research Fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies Other research interests include Epidemiology | Global Mental Health | Physical Health | Wellbeing | Dementia | Pychosocial | Health and Social Care | Cognition | Integrated Approaches | Multimorbidity Benedict GreenwoodPhD Student, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Other research interests include |
Lisa Marie GruenwaldClinical Trial Manager and PhD Student, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Serious Mental Illness | Pharmacology | Psychosocial | Physical Health |
Zoë HaimePhD Student, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Cognition | Pharmacology | Serious Mental Illness | Eating Disorders |
Dan HayesSenior Research Fellow, Anna Freud Centre Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Epidemiology | Global Mental Health | Psychosocial |
Elisabeth HerbertLecturer, Department of Psychology and Human Development I am involved in several Knowledge Exchange projects at present and conducting research as part of the iRead EU 2020 Horizons project. |
Vivian HillProgramme Director Doctorate in Educational, Child and Adolescent Psychology, IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society Other research interests include Cognition | Children and Young People's Mental Health | Psychosocial | Wellbeing Georgie HudsonPhD Student, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Epidemiology | Trauma | Serious Mental Illness | Psychological Interventions Elaine HunterSenior Research Fellow, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Maryam JavedResearch Assistant, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Global Mental Health | Health and Social Care | Mood Disorders | Trauma |
Sonia JohnsonProfessor of Social and Community Psychiatry, Division of Psychiatry My main interests are in the clinical and social needs and the treatment outcomes of people with significant mental health problems such as psychosis and bipolar disorder. The areas in which I've worked most have been acute care and early psychosis. I have had a major role in several studies of crisis services, including evaluations of crisis resolution teams and of alternatives to standard inpatient care. My clinical work is as consultant psychiatrist in the Camden and Islington Early Intervention Service for psychosis. Other research interests include Serious Mental Illness | Children and Young People's Mental Health | Epidemiology | Psychosocial | Applied clinical research (development and testing of interventions) Garrett KiddResearch Assistant, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Epidemiology | Global Mental Health | Health and Social Care | Mood Disorders | Older Adult Mental Health | Psychological Interventions | Psychosocial | Serious Mental Illness | Substance abuse | Suicide and Self-harm | Trauma | Wellbeing Sunjeev KambojProfessor of Translational Clinical Psychology, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Neuroscience | Mood Disorders | Cognition | Trauma | Substance abuse |
Georgina KrebsAssociate Professor, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Epidemiology | Psychological Interventions | Anxiety-related disorders |
Danielle LambSenior Research Fellow, Institute of Epidemiology & Health Danielle is currently a senior research fellow in the NIHR ARC (North Thames). Her work focuses on using mixed methods to evaluate the implementation of complex health services and interventions. Her previous work focussed on mental health services and interventions, particularly acute mental health services such as Crisis Resolution Teams and Acute Day Units. Other research interests include Physical Health | Serious Mental Illness | Wellbeing | Occupational Psychology |
Glyn LewisProfessor of Epidemiological Psychiatry, Division of Psychiatry I am interested in investigating the causes of psychiatric disorder, particularly depressive illness and psychosis. Causal factors that are potentially preventable could be especially useful but clues to aetiology also can improve our understanding of illness and help to devise treatments. I also carry out randomised controlled trials to evaluate treatments for depression in primary care. I aim to carry out research that has practical implications in improving clinical care of people with psychiatric disorder. I want to identify those advances in our neuroscientific understanding that could lead to practicable benefits for patients. Other research interests include Epidemiology | Pharmacology | Mood Disorders | Children and Young People's Mental Health Michele LimTrainee Clinical Psychologist, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Mood Disorders | Children and Young People's Mental Health | Digital Health | Eating Disorders |
Stuart LinkeClinical Psychologist, Institute of Digital Health Other research interests include Mood Disorders | Substance Abuse | Physical Health | Psychosocial |
Alex LloydDivision of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Cognition | Psychosocial |
Maria LongTrial Manager (NHS) and PhD student, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Serious Mental Illness | Cognition | Psychosocial | Physical Health | Wellbeing | Epidemiology |
Alexis An Yee LowPhD Student, Queen Square Institute of Neurology Other research interests include |
Millie LowtherPhD Student, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Other research interests include |
Natasha LyonsResearch Assistant and PhD Student, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Psychosocial | Psychosis | Peer Support | Politics of mental health; |
Natalie MarchantSenior Research Fellow, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Dementia | Neuroscience | Older Adult Mental Health | Cognition |
Peter MartinLecturer in Applied Statistics, Institute of Epidemiology and Health I work with psychological therapists and academic psychologists to conduct randomized controlled trials of psychological therapies. These studies evaluate new interventions and estimate how effective they are. We also use mixed methods to investigate the therapy process and to find out why and how, not just if, therapies are successful. I am a member of ChAPTRe, the Child Attachment and Psychological Therapies Research unit at the Anna Freud Centre and UCL. Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Epidemiology | Neuroscience |
Rosalind McAlpinePhD Student, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Pharmacology | Mood Disorders | Serious Mental Illness | Psychosocial | Substance Abuse | Wellbeing |
Eamon McCroryProfessor of Developmental Neuroscience and Psychopathology, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health|Trauma | Neuroscience | Mood Disorders | Psychological Interventions | |
Jennifer McGowanLecturer, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences My research interests are focused primarily on health psychology. I am interested in projects into:
To date my research has explored the biopsychosocial well-being of adults ageing with HIV in relation to both age and time with diagnosed HIV, and project relating to cancer and smoking, and adolescent health and well-being. Other research interests include Epidemiology | Psychosocial | Wellbeing Rosie McGuirePost-doctoral research associate, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Trauma | Health and Social Care | Cognition |
Daisy McInnerneyPhD Candidate, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Global Mental Health | Psychosocial | Wellbeing | Older Adult Mental Health |
Alison Ruth McKinlayResearch Fellow, Institute of Epidemiology and Health Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Global Mental Health | Older Adult Mental Health | Psychosocial Asta MedisauskaiteSenior Research Fellow, Division of Medicine Other research interests include Health and Social Care | Wellbeing | Occupational Health Psychology |
Carlos MenaPhD Student, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Other research interests include Cognition | Mood Disorders | Neuroscience | Psychosocial | Anxiety |
Nick MidgleyProfessor of Psychological Therapies with Children and Young People, Anna Freud Centre Nick Midgley's primary research interest is in psychological therapies with children and young people, with a particular focus on the use of qualitative methods. He has a strong commitment to examining the child's perspective on mental health and psychotherapy. Prof Midgley has been involved in the adaptation of contemporary psychodynamic treatments, including mentalization-based treatments, for use with children and families Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Mood Disorders | Psychosocial |
Emily MidouhasAssociate Professor, IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society I take a developmental psychopathology approach to understanding: 1) The effects of the social and built environment on the emotional and behavioural problems of children; 2) The mental health of children with special educational needs across childhood and adolescence, particularly children with ADHD and autism; and 3) The role of biological factors in the association between life adversity and mental health across the lifecourse. I examine these topics using advanced quantitative analyses of large-scale longitudinal cohort data. I am also an active member of Child Behaviour and Cognition (CuBiC) lab, Other research interests include Epidemiology | Children and Young People's Mental Health | Cognition |
Tom MilsonPhD Student, IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society Other research interests include |
Agnes NorburyResearch Fellow, Queen Square Institute of Neurology Other research interests include Digital Health | Mood Disorders | Neuroscience |
Ciarán O'DriscollLecturer in Clinical Psychology, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Digital Health | Mood Disorders | Serious Mental Illness |
Paula OliveiraHonorary Researcher, Anna Freud Centre Other research interests include Neuroscience | Psychosocial | Children and Young People's Mental Health |
Bonamy OliverAssociate Professor, IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society I am a developmental psychologist and behavioural geneticist, I have diverse research and applied experience, including in large cohort studies as well as working and collaborating with educational psychologists, child psychiatrists and practitioners. My research focuses on children’s socio-emotional development, psychological adjustment and mental health, with specific emphasis on the role of family, school and the connections between them. In particular, I consider genetic and environmental aetiology of individual differences in development and intervention response, as well as methods that facilitate detailed understanding of interpersonal relationships suitable for large-scale studies, to improve reach, scale and diversity in intervention research. Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Wellbeing | Behavioural genetics | Family processes Jakub OnyskPhD Student, Queen Square Institute of Neurology Other research interests include Neuroscience | Cognition | Suicide and Self-harm | Machine learning methods in the context of neuroscience and mental health |
Vasiliki OrgetaAssociate Professor, Division of Psychiatry Dr Vasiliki Orgeta is a research psychologist interested in emotional well-being in people with dementia and their family carers. Her research focuses on the development and evaluation of psychological and psychosocial interventions in dementia and mild cognitive impairment. She is also interested in how stress could be influencing risk of dementia and the effect of caregiving on caregivers physical and mental health. Other research interests include Wellbeing | Physical Health | Psychosocial | Older Adult Mental Health | Neuroscience | Epidemiology | Cognition | Mood Disorders | Dementia |
Eiluned (Ellie) PearceResearch Fellow, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Psychosocial | Loneliness Panayiota PetrochilosConsultant Neuropsychiatrist and Department lead for Neuropsychiatry, Queen Square Institute of Neurology Other research interests include Mood Disorders | Neuroscience | Dementia | Psychological Interventions | Cognition |
Giulia PiazzaPhD Student, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Other research interests include Mood Disorders | Cognition | Pharmacology | Neuroscience | Psychosocial Tua PiehlHeadquarters Administrator, UK Dementia Research Insitute Other research interests include Dementia | Neuroscience | Serious Mental Illness | Trauma | Children and Young People's Mental Health |
Alexandra PikePostdoctoral Research Associate, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Other research interests include |
Liam PikettResearch Assistant, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Dementia | Cognition | Psychosocial | Children and Young People's Mental Health |
Alexandra PitmanClinical Associate Professor, Division of Psychiatry I am interested in understanding risk factors for suicide attempt and in developing interventions to address them. I am currently working on the following areas:
Other research interests include Epidemiology | Suicide and Self-harm | Mood Disorders | Children and Young People's Mental Health Gary PriceConsultant Neuropsychiatrist , Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Cognition | Dementia | | Neuroscience | Pharmacology |
Jessica ReesPhD Student, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Dementia | Older Adult Mental Health | Physical Health | Wellbeing |
Philippa RenoufResearch Assistant, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Wellbeing | Older Adult Mental Health | Dementia | Cognition |
Antonia RichAssociate Professor in Medical Education, UCL Medical School Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Wellbeing | Psychosocial | Health and Social Care |
Alvin Richards-BellePhD Student, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Epidemiology | Physical Health Lucy RingHonorary Research Fellow, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include |
Anna RoachPhD Student, GOS Institute of Child Health Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Health and Social Care | Physical Health | Wellbeing |
Oliver RobinsonICN Group Leader, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience We try to better understand anxiety disorders and 'normal' adaptive anxiety and how they relate. We use threat of shock, functional magnetic resonance imaging, computational psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychopharmacology techniques. We ultimately want to improve outcomes for sufferers of anxiety. For more details visit my lab website: Other research interests include |
Jonathan RoiserProfessor of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Our aim is to understand the neural and cognitive mechanisms underlying symptoms of mental illness, especially those relating to motivation. We utilise experimental techniques drawn from cognitive psychology, functional neuroimaging, psychopharmacology, and computational modelling, both in patient populations and healthy volunteers. Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Cognition | Mood Disorders | Neuroscience | Pharmacology | Physical Health |
David RuttenbergPhD Student and UCL Staff (Content Creator and PGTA), Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience I am a passionately devoted scientist & PhD candidate within the University College London's Institute of Education & Culture, Communication & Media Department's Knowledge Lab and at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience's Developmental Diversity Lab & Cognition Emotion and Education Lab (CEE) within the Centre for Attention Learning and Memory (CALM) at the Medical Research Council’s Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit at University of Cambridge (CBU). Other research interests include Cognition | Older Adult Mental Health | Wellbeing | Sensory, Anxiety and Attention |
Jessica SatchellTrial Manager / PhD Student, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Older Adult Mental Health | Epidemiology | Older Adult Mental Health | Wellbeing | Trauma | Crime Victims |
Juliet SingerChild and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Global Mental Health | Neuroscience | Psychosocial | Wellbeing |
Roz ShafranProfessor of Translational Psychology, GOS Institute of Child Health My clinical research interests include development, evaluation, dissemination and implementation of evidence-based psychological treatments across the age range. I have particular expertise in obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety disorders, eating disorders and perfectionism. My current role is focused on understanding common mental health disorders in the context of chronic illness in children and young people. Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Physical Health | Dissemination and implementation | Eating disorders | OCD | Perfectionism | Loneliness Tami SowemimoResearch Assistant, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Global Mental Health | Digital Health | Serious Mental Illness |
Aimee SpectorProfessor of Old Age Psychology, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences My research broadly focuses on the development and evaluation of psychosocial interventions and outcome measures for people with dementia. My recent research has taken a more global focus, for example I lead an MRC funded implementation trial of CST in Brazil, India and Tanzania. I work closely with colleagues from Hong Kong University and Peking University through formal strategic partnerships, with several joint projects adapting and evaluating psychosocial interventions for dementia (including digital interventions) and cultural adaptations of outcome measures. I have developed and published a range of outcome measures including measures of dementia knowledge, sense of competence, hope and resilience, and independence and engagement. Other research interests include |
Maarten SpeekenbrinkProfessor of Mathematical Psychology, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Neuroscience | AI for mental health |
Anahita TalwarStudent, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Other research interests include Neuroscience | Computational Modelling | Mood Disorders | Cognition |
Sahra TekinPhD Student, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include |
Simon ToPolicy, Governance and Insight Manager, Students' Union UCL Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Wellbeing | Students |
Vaso TotsikaAssociate Professor in Intellectual Developmental Disability, Division of Psychiatry My research often tries to describe complex developmental processes by drawing on population-based and/or longitudinal data. I am also interested in understanding how to better support people with intellectual disability, their families and carers through intervention evaluation. Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Epidemiology | Intellectual Disability and Autism Zuyu WangPhD student, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Muhammad Waqar Ashraf BhattiClinical Psychologist, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Psychosocial | Wellbeing | Pharmacology | Neuroscience | Health and Social Care | Sexuality | Mood Disorders |
Katey WarranResearch Fellow in Social Science (Assets for Resilient Communities in Mental Health [MARCH] Network), Institute of Epidemiology and Health Katey is an interdisciplinary researcher who draws upon the fields of sociology, psychology, performance science, and philosophy to examine complex arts interventions and how they impact upon mental health and wellbeing. More specifically, she is interested in how group arts engagement can support social cohesion and improve social relationships, exploring this from multiple perspectives. For example, using theories from sociology to understand collective emotions and how they cement social bonds, drawing upon social psychology to explore the benefits of shared group identities, and applying theories from the philosophy of religion to unpack the more tacit, experiential aspects of creativity that unite people through shared ineffable experiences. Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Psychosocial | Wellbeing | Arts and Mental Health Dr Megan WatkinsSenior Researcher at National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (Collaboration between Royal College of Psychiatrists and UCL), Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Mood Disorders | Serious Mental Illness | Trauma | Suicide and Self-harm |
Andrew WatsonHonorary Clinical Lecture, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Cognition | Serious Mental Illness | Trauma | Digital Health |
Lucy WebsterResearch Associate, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Dementia | Older Adult Mental Health | Cognition | Epidemiology |
Kaja WiduchData Manager, Institute of Clinical Trials and Methodology Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Global Mental Health | Psychosocial | Serious Mental Illness | Wellbeing | Psychiatric Research |
Jeanne WolstencroftResearch Fellow, GOS Institute of Child Health I have two main research interests; one is focused on understanding the impact of co-occurring mental health difficulties in children and young people with neurodevelopmental disorders and/or rare genetic disorders. The other is how best to use technology to improve the identification of autism in children, and digital approaches to psycho-social intervention. Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Digital Health | Global Mental Health | Psychosocial Hannah WrightResearch Assistant / PhD Student, Psychoanalysis Unit I have two main research interests; one is focused on understanding the impact of co-occurring mental health difficulties in children and young people with neurodevelopmental disorders and/or rare genetic disorders. The other is how best to use technology to improve the identification of autism in children, and digital approaches to psycho-social intervention. Other research interests include Perinatal mental health Zhongyao ZhangPhD student, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Health and Social Care | Mood Disorders | Global Mental Health | Wellbeing | Psychosocial |