
UCL Institute of Mental Health


Older Adult Mental Health

Affiliates of the Institute of Mental Health with expertise in Older Adult Mental Health.

Ignacia Azocar

Full-time PhD Student, Division of Psychiatry

Other research interests include

Mood Disorders | Global Mental Health | Psychosocial | Dementia

Feifei Bu

Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Epidemiology and Health

Feifei Bu is senior research fellow in statistics/epidemiology, working with Dr Daisy Fancourt on a number of projects. She is the principal investigator of the NHS England funded project looking at patient activation measure and social prescribing, and a co-investigator of the EpiArts project examining the relationship between art & cultural engagement and behavioural & health outcomes using US cohort data. She also works on the COVID-19 Social Study investigating the psychological and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Other research interests include

Psychosocial | Physical HealthCognition | Epidemiology

Ella Burchill

Academic Foundation Doctor, Division of Psychiatry

Other research interests include

Dementia | Epidemiology | Neuroscience |  Serious Mental Illness

Marc Aurel Busche

Programme Leader at the UK DRI and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist at Queen Square, Queen Square Institute of Neurology

Other research interests include

Neuroscience | Cognition | Dementia


Christine Carter

Full time PhD student, Division of Psychiatry

Other research interests include

Physical Health | Wellbeing | Global Mental Health | Psychosocial | Cognition | Dementia

Justin Chan

PhD student, Division of Psychiatry

Other research interests include

Wellbeing Cognition | Dementia

George Chapman

Honorary research fellow, Division of Psychiatry

Other research interests include

Dementia | Neuroscience | Pharmacology | Serious Mental Illness

Ping-Jen Chen 

PhD Training Fellow, Division of Psychiatry

Other research interests include

Epidemiology | Physical Health | Dementia

Dena Ettehad

Academic Clinical, Fellow in Primary Care and Population Health

Other research interests include

Children and Young People's Mental Health | Epidemiology | Global Mental Health | Health and Social Care | Wellbeing | Trauma | Suicide and Self-harm | Serious Mental Illness | Digital Health | Mood Disorders | Psychosocial

Saoirse Finn

PhD Researcher, Institute of Epidemiology and Health

Other research interests include

Physical Health | Mood DisordersEpidemiology | Genetics

Emma Ruby Francis 

PhD Candidate, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences       

Other research interests include

Children and Young People's Mental Health | Epidemiology | Serious Mental IllnessTrauma | Wellbeing 

Sabina Funk

Research Associate, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences

Other research interests include

Cognition | Dementia | Global Mental Health Mood Disorders Neuroscience | Psychological Interventions | Wellbeing

Sergi Costafreda Gonzalez

Associate Professor, Division of Psychiatry

Other research interests include

Serious Mental Illness | Mood Disorders | Dementia | Cognition

Rebecca Gould

Associate Professor, Division of Psychiatry

My main research interests are in evaluating psychological interventions such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and mindfulness-based therapies for: i) older people with mental health conditions (including anxiety and depression); ii) people with neurodegenerative diseases (including dementia and motor neuron disease); iii) carers of people with neurodegenerative diseases; and iv) people with physical health conditions. Other research interests include examining the assessment of frailty in older people with mental health conditions, and evaluating psychological interventions for this population.

Other research interests include

Psychological Interventions | Dementia | Physical Health | Mood Disorders

Laura Grover

Research Assistant, Queen Square Institute of Neurology

Other research interests include

Dementia | Mood Disorders | Epidemiology | Neuroscience

Jemma Hazan 

SpR / Academic Clinical Fellow, Division of Psychiatry    

Other research interests include


Garrett Kidd

Research Assistant, Division of Psychiatry    

Other research interests include

Epidemiology | Global Mental Health | Health and Social Care | Mood Disorders | Older Adult Mental Health | Psychological Interventions | Psychosocial | Serious Mental Illness | Substance abuse | Suicide and Self-harm | Trauma | Wellbeing

Marjan Jahanshahi

Emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology, Queen Square Institute of Neurology

Our current areas of research interest are:
1. Role of the basal ganglia in motor control, cognition and motivation and the modulatory influence of dopamine investigated through study of patients with disorders of the basal ganglia and the effect of subortical surgery.
2. Modulation of movement speed by attention and motivation in health and disease
3. Impact of movement disorders such as Parkinsons disease and dystonia on the psychosocial functioning and quality of life of the patients and their carers and more recently the effect of chronic neurological illness of a parent on their children.
We adopt a multi-technique approach and use neuropsychology, functional imaging, electrophysiological recording, and TMS in our research.

Other research interests include

Mood Disorders | Dementia | Psychosocial | Physical Health | Wellbeing | Cognition

Gill Livingston

Professor of Psychiatry of Older People, Division of Psychiatry

I lead the Lancet standing committee on dementia prevention, intervention and care.

Other research interests include

Epidemiology | Dementia | Psychosocial | Cognition

Natalie Marchant

Senior Research Fellow, Division of Psychiatry

Other research interests include

Psychological Interventions | Neuroscience | Dementia | Cognition

Daisy McInnerney

PhD Candidate, Division of Psychiatry

Other research interests include

Psychological Interventions | Psychosocial | Wellbeing | Global Mental Health

Alison Ruth McKinlay

Research Fellow, Institute of Epidemiology and Health

Other research interests include

Psychological InterventionsGlobal Mental Health | Psychosocial | Children and Young People's Mental Health

Darío Moreno-Agostino 

Research Fellow in Population Mental Health, Centre for Longitudinal Studies    

Other research interests include

Children and Young People's Mental HealthEpidemiology | Mood Disorders | Global Mental Health | Wellbeing

Vasiliki Orgeta

Associate Professor, Division of Psychiatry

Dr Vasiliki Orgeta is a research psychologist interested in emotional well-being in people with dementia and their family carers. Her research focuses on the development and evaluation of  psychological and psychosocial interventions in dementia and mild cognitive impairment. She is also interested in how stress could be influencing risk of dementia and the effect of caregiving on caregivers physical and mental health.

Other research interests include

Wellbeing | Physical Health | Psychosocial | Cognition | Neuroscience | Epidemiology | Psychological Interventions | Mood Disorders | Dementia

Georgia Pavlopoulou

Lecturer, Anna Freud Centre

I have developed academic, NHS and third sector collaborations both nationally and internationally.   I am passionate about working with marginalized groups, service users, scholar activists and Trusts to facilitate service transformation and advance mental health practice through better cross agency collaboration, translational research and better service user participation.

Other research interests include

Global Mental Health | Wellbeing | Children and Young People's Mental Health

George Ploubidis 

Professor of Population Health and Statistics, Centre for Longitudinal Studies

George is a multidisciplinary quantitative social scientist and a longitudinal population surveys methodologist. His main research interests relate to socioeconomic and demographic determinants of health over the life course and the mechanisms that underlie generational differences in health and mortality. His methodological work in longitudinal surveys focusses on applications for handling missing data, causal inference and measurement error.

Other research interests include

Epidemiology | Physical Health | Wellbeing | Social Statistics

Rakhshi Memon 

Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Division of Psychiatry

Other research interests include

Children and Young People's Mental Health |  Global Mental Health |  Suicide and Self-harm

Jessica Rees

PhD Student, Division of Psychiatry

Other research interests include

Psychological Interventions | Dementia | Physical Health | Wellbeing

Philippa Renouf

Research Assistant, Division of Psychiatry

Other research interests include

Wellbeing | Dementia | Psychological Interventions | Cognition

David Ruttenberg

PhD Student and UCL Staff (Content Creator and PGTA), Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience

I am a passionately devoted scientist & PhD candidate within the University College London's Institute of Education & Culture, Communication & Media Department's Knowledge Lab and at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience's Developmental Diversity Lab & Cognition Emotion and Education Lab (CEE) within the Centre for Attention Learning and Memory (CALM) at the Medical Research Council’s Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit at University of Cambridge (CBU).

Other research interests include

Psychological Interventions | Cognition | Wellbeing | Sensory, Anxiety and Attention

Elizabeth Sampson

Clinical Professor, Division of Psychiatry

My research focuses on key clinical issues for frail older people. My main areas of interest are:

  • Dementia and delirium in acute hospital patients: Epidemiology and health services research 
  • Identifying, better understanding and managing common symptoms, including pain, delirium and difficulty swallowing. 
  • Using mixed methods (data, cohort studies co-design) to implement better care.
  • Liaison psychiatry for older hospital inpatients

Other research interests include

Dementia | Physical Health | Liaison Psychiatry | Neuroscience

Jessica Satchell

Trial Manager / PhD Student, Division of Psychiatry

Other research interests include

Psychological Interventions | Epidemiology | Global Mental Health | Wellbeing | Trauma | Crime Victims

Gabrielle Sheehan

Clinical Research Assistant, Queen Square Institute of Neurology

Other research interests include

Mood Disorders Neuroscience | Anxiety and depression in older adults and Parkinson's disease

Andrew Sommerlad

Principal Research Fellow, Division of Psychiatry

Dr Sommerlad uses multiple methodologies including observational research using longitudinal cohorts and routinely collected electronic health records, qualitative research, systematic review and meta-analysis to examine clinically relevant outcomes in dementia and cognition for older people.

Other research interests include

Dementia | Neuroscience Epidemiology | Cognition

Jean Stafford

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Division of Psychiatry

My research is broadly focused on dementia and the mental health of older people. In my PhD, I investigated the incidence of very late-onset psychotic disorders in Swedish register, while during my postdoctoral fellowship I examined associations between psychiatric disorders and subsequent dementia.

Other research interests include

Serious Mental Illness | Epidemiology | Dementia

Lucy Webster

Research Associate, Division of Psychiatry

Other research interests include

Dementia | Epidemiology | Psychological InterventionsCognition

Jennifer Wenborn

Senior Clinical Research Associate - Occupational Therapist, Division of Psychiatry

Other research interests include

Psychosocial | Dementia | Wellbeing | Cognition

Emily West

Research Fellow, Division of Psychiatry

Other research interests include

Dementia | Psychosocial | Cognition

Keri Wong

Assistant Professor of Psychology, IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society

My research interests are in the early assessments of childhood mental wellbeing, childhood paranoia/suspiciousness, antisocial and aggressive behaviours, and schizophrenia-spectrum disorders (schizotypal personality disorder) across cultures. 

Other research interests include

Children and Young People's Mental Health | Global Mental Health | Mood Disorders | Physical Health | Psychosocial | Wellbeing

Kristina Zhelcheska 

PhD student, Queen Square Institute of Neurology    

Other research interests include

Dementia | Cognition | Children and Young People's Mental Health | Neuroscience | Older Adult Mental Health | Trauma | Mood Disorders