Mood Disorders
Agatha Alves AnetPhD Student, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Other research interests include |
Sarah AshleyPhD student, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Epidemiology | Neuroscience | Psychosocial | Children and Young People's Mental Health |
Ignacia AzocarFull-time PhD Student, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Older Adult Mental Health | Global Mental Health | Psychosocial | Dementia Jessie BaldwinSenior research fellow, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Psychosocial | Trauma | Epidemiology | Children and Young People's Mental Health |
Dan BangSir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellow, Queen Square Institute of Neurology I study how humans build mental models of the world for behavioural control, with a focus on social behaviour. Social interaction is remarkably complex: an action that is rewarded in one context may be punished in another, and what we think or feel may clash with the behaviour that is required of us. I seek to understand how humans solve such problems, using behavioural testing, computational modelling and neuroimaging. These techniques allow me to characterise the cognitive processes underlying behaviour and study their implementation in the brain. A biologically-informed account of human social behaviour is important for advancing our understanding of disorders of mental health. Many mental disorders are social in nature – they manifest in interactions between people – but we lack a mechanistic explanation of what has gone awry. Other research interests include Cognition | Neuroscience | Psychosocial | Neuromodulation |
Jessica BoneResearch Fellow in Epidemiology and Statistics, Institute of Epidemiology and Health Jess has taught on various programmes in UCL Division of Psychiatry and Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care, including the Clinical Mental Health Sciences MSc, Mental Health Sciences Research MSc and Dementia: Causes, Treatments and Research MSc. She has contributed to modules including Statistics for Mental Health Research, Core Principles of Mental Health Research, Current Research in Children's and Young People's Mental Health, and Current Research in Depression and Anxiety. Other research interests include Epidemiology | Psychosocial | Children and Young People's Mental Health |
Christina CarlisiPostdoctoral Research Fellow, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences I am a Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Wellcome research fellow in the Developmental Risk and Resilience Unit at University College London. Through my fellowship, I am also affiliated with the Laboratory of NeuroGenetics at Duke University. My current research uses computational methods (e.g. computational modelling, psychophysics) to examine affective processing. I am interested in how individual differences in diverse factors such as early life experiences and neurobiological mechanisms give rise to (or protect us from) the development of mental health problems and am particularly interested in developing more sensitive measures of individual differences to study how behavioural traits such as anxiety and conduct problems develop across childhood and adolescence. Other research interests include Epidemiology | Neuroscience | Cognition | Children and Young People's Mental Health |
Lorna CollinsResearch Fellow, Institute of Epidemiology and Health Other research interests include Wellbeing | Global Mental Health | Psychological Interventions | Epidemiology |
David CurtisHonorary Professor, Division of Biosciences Since 1990 I collaborated with Hugh Gurling at the UCL Molecular Psychiatry Lab in research aimed at identifying genes affecting risk of mental illness. Initially we carried out linkage studies of families multiply affected with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Subsequently I have been involved in association studies and latterly studies using next generation sequencing data. Throughout this time I have also developed new statistical approaches and have written computer software to carry out genetic analyses. I am currently working on methods for detecting genetic variants affecting risk of complex diseases using large exome-sequenced datasets. Other research interests include |
Zsofia DemjenAssociate Professor of Applied Linguistics, IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society I work at the intersections of language, mind and health(care), exploring (experiences of) mental/physical illness, healthcare, and medical research through linguistic analysis. My approach is data-driven and discourse analytic, focusing on any aspect of language that stands out in a given context. I've worked specifically on metaphor, im/politeness, personal pronouns, negation, narratives and humour. Other research interests include Physical Health | Serious Mental Illness | Language |
Quentin DerconPhD student in mental health science (UCL-Wellcome programme), Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Other research interests include Cognition | Epidemiology | Neuroscience | Psychological Interventions |
Jen DykxhoornSenior Research Fellow, Institute of Epidemiology and Health Other research interests include Serious Mental Illness | Epidemiology | Global Mental Health | Psychosocial | Substance Abuse | Children and Young People's Mental Health Dena EttehadAcademic Clinical, Fellow in Primary Care and Population Health Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Epidemiology | Global Mental Health | Health and Social Care | Wellbeing | Trauma | Suicide and Self-harm | Serious Mental Illness | Digital Health | Older Adult Mental Health | Psychosocial |
Saoirse FinnPhD Researcher, Institute of Epidemiology and Health Other research interests include Physical Health | Older Adult Mental Health | Epidemiology | Genetics |
Stephen FlemingSir Henry Dale Fellow, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Dementia | Neuroscience | Psychological Interventions | Cognition Abigail FreemanClinical Fellow, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Psychosocial | Children and Young People's Mental Health | Suicide and Self-harm | Serious Mental Illness | Psychological Interventions |
Sabina FunkResearch Associate, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Cognition | Dementia | Global Mental Health | Neuroscience | Older Adult Mental Health | Psychological Interventions | Wellbeing |
Dr Tania GergelHonorary Senior Research Fellow, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Global Mental Health | Suicide and Self-harm | Serious Mental Illness | Ethics and law / Co-production |
Dawid GondekResearch Fellow, Institute of Epidemiology and Health Dawid’s main research interests lie in: Other research interests include |
Sergi Costafreda GonzalezAssociate Professor, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Dementia | Serious Mental Illness | Older Adult Mental Health | Cognition |
Rebecca GouldAssociate Professor, Division of Psychiatry My main research interests are in evaluating psychological interventions such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and mindfulness-based therapies for: i) older people with mental health conditions (including anxiety and depression); ii) people with neurodegenerative diseases (including dementia and motor neuron disease); iii) carers of people with neurodegenerative diseases; and iv) people with physical health conditions. Other research interests include examining the assessment of frailty in older people with mental health conditions, and evaluating psychological interventions for this population. Other research interests include Psychological Interventions | Older Adult Mental Health | Physical Health | Dementia |
Talya GreeneSenior Lecturer and Honorary Associate Professor, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Trauma | Psychosocial | Epidemiology Benedict GreenwoodPhD Student, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Psychological Interventions |
Laura GroverResearch Assistant, Queen Square Institute of Neurology Other research interests include Older Adult Mental Health | Neuroscience | Dementia | Epidemiology |
Joseph HayesPrincipal Research Fellow, Division of Psychiatry Research areas: Other research interests include Serious Mental Illness | Pharmacology | Physical Health | Epidemiology |
Samuel HewittPhD Student, Queen Square Institute of Neurology Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Cognition | Neuroscience Elaine HunterSenior Research Fellow, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include |
Marjan JahanshahiEmeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology, Queen Square Institute of Neurology Our current areas of research interest are: Other research interests include Older Adult Mental Health | Psychosocial | Physical Health | Wellbeing | Cognition | Dementia Maryam JavedResearch Assistant, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Global Mental Health | Health and Social Care | Psychological Interventions | Trauma |
Aaron KandolaPhD Candidate, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Neuroscience | Physical Health | Wellbeing | Children and Young People's Mental Health | Epidemiology Sunjeev KambojProfessor of Translational Clinical Psychology, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Neuroscience | Psychological Interventions | Trauma | Substance abuse | Cognition Garrett KiddResearch Assistant, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Epidemiology | Global Mental Health | Health and Social Care | Mood Disorders | Older Adult Mental Health | Psychological Interventions | Psychosocial | Serious Mental Illness | Substance abuse | Suicide and Self-harm | Trauma | Wellbeing |
Karel KieslichPhD Student, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Other research interests include Neuroscience | Substance Abuse | Pharmacology | Epidemiology Emma Jayne KilfordPostdoctoral Research Fellow, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Global Mental Health | Digital Health | Neuroscience | Cognition |
Peter A. KirkPhD in the Leverhulme Doctoral Training Program for the Ecological Study of the Brain, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include |
Rebecca LaceyLecturer in Quantitative Methods and Lifecourse Epidemiology, Institute of Epidemiology and Health I am a Lecturer in Quantitative Methods and Lifecourse Epidemiology. I am a social epidemiologist who applies a life course approach to understanding the importance of the early family social environment for health across the life course. Other research interests include Epidemiology | Psychosocial | Wellbeing | Children and Young People's Mental Health |
Glyn LewisProfessor of Epidemiological Psychiatry, Division of Psychiatry I am interested in investigating the causes of psychiatric disorder, particularly depressive illness and psychosis. Causal factors that are potentially preventable could be especially useful but clues to aetiology also can improve our understanding of illness and help to devise treatments. I also carry out randomised controlled trials to evaluate treatments for depression in primary care. I aim to carry out research that has practical implications in improving clinical care of people with psychiatric disorder. I want to identify those advances in our neuroscientific understanding that could lead to practicable benefits for patients. Other research interests include Epidemiology | Pharmacology | Psychological Interventions | Children and Young People's Mental Health |
Michele LimTrainee Clinical Psychologist, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Digital Health | Psychological Interventions | Eating Disorders Stuart LinkeClinical Psychologist, Institute of Digital Health Other research interests include Psychological Interventions | Substance Abuse | Physical Health | Psychosocial |
Mekeda X LoganResearch Assistant, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Epidemiology | Neuroscience | Global Mental Health | Children and Young People's Mental Health |
Alexis An Yee LowPhD Student, Queen Square Institute of Neurology Other research interests include |
Millie LowtherPhD Student, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Other research interests include Psychological Interventions | Neuroscience | Cognition Eliazar LunaResearch Fellow Other research interests include |
Andrew MacAskillSir Henry Dale Fellow, Division of Biosciences We are working to understand how neurons in the brain communicate with each other to allow them to encode emotional behaviours and make decisions. Problems with this communication underlie the vast majority of neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric diseases, and so our aim is to find novel ways to combat these diseases by gaining a greater understanding of the processes that they destroy. Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Neuroscience | Pharmacology | Substance Abuse |
Rosalind McAlpinePhD Student, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Pharmacology | Psychological Interventions | Serious Mental Illness | Psychosocial | Substance Abuse | Wellbeing |
Eamon McCroryProfessor of Developmental Neuroscience and Psychopathology, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Psychological Interventions | Trauma | Neuroscience | Psychological Interventions |
Tayla McCloudPhD Student, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Epidemiology | Children and Young People's Mental Health Nigel McKenzieResearch Associate, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Mood Disorders | Suicide and Self-harm | Epidemiology | Substance abuse |
Carlos MenaPhD Student, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Other research interests include Cognition | Neuroscience | Psychological Interventions | Psychosocial | Anxiety |
Nick MidgleyProfessor of Psychological Therapies with Children and Young People, Anna Freud Centre Nick Midgley's primary research interest is in psychological therapies with children and young people, with a particular focus on the use of qualitative methods. He has a strong commitment to examining the child's perspective on mental health and psychotherapy. Prof Midgley has been involved in the adaptation of contemporary psychodynamic treatments, including mentalization-based treatments, for use with children and families Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Psychological Interventions | Psychosocial |
Darío Moreno-AgostinoResearch Fellow in Population Mental Health, Centre for Longitudinal Studies Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Epidemiology | Global Mental Health | Older Adult Mental Health | Wellbeing |
Agnes NorburyResearch Fellow, Queen Square Institute of Neurology Other research interests include Digital Health | Neuroscience | Psychological Interventions |
Ciarán O'DriscollLecturer in Clinical Psychology, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Digital Health | Psychological Interventions | Serious Mental Illness | Trauma |
Sami Omar AmawiCore trainee in psychiatry, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Neuroscience | Serious Mental Illness | Substance Abuse | Trauma |
Vasiliki OrgetaAssociate Professor, Division of Psychiatry Dr Vasiliki Orgeta is a research psychologist interested in emotional well-being in people with dementia and their family carers. Her research focuses on the development and evaluation of psychological and psychosocial interventions in dementia and mild cognitive impairment. She is also interested in how stress could be influencing risk of dementia and the effect of caregiving on caregivers physical and mental health. Other research interests include Wellbeing | Physical Health | Psychosocial | Cognition | Older Adult Mental Health | Neuroscience | Epidemiology | Dementia |
David OsbornProfessor of Psychiatric Epidemiology, Division of Psychiatry David's main research interests are the interface between physical and mental health, psychiatric epidemiology and the provision of effective and safe interventions for people with severe mental illnesses including psychosis. He has published related work over the last 20 years in journals such as The British Medical Journal, British Journal of Psychiatry and Archives of General Psychiatry/JAMA Psychiatry. Other research interests include Serious Mental Illness | Pharmacology | Physical Health | Epidemiology |
Steven PapachristouLecturer in Psychology, Department of Psychology and Human Development Other research interests include Serious Mental Illness | Pharmacology | Cognition | Children and Young People's Mental Health |
Praveetha PatalayAssociate Professor, Social Research Institute & Population Science and Experimental Medicine My research interests primarily fall in the area of child development and epidemiology with a focus on mental health through the life course including prevalence, risk factors, consequences, developmental pathways and interventions to promote better mental health. In terms of interventions, my research focuses on community based interventions that are not just about treatment but also focus on prevention of problems, reduction of stigma around mental ill-health and promoting greater wellbeing. Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Epidemiology | Global Mental Health | Wellbeing Panayiota PetrochilosConsultant Neuropsychiatrist and Department lead for Neuropsychiatry, Queen Square Institute of Neurology Other research interests include Neuroscience | Dementia | Psychological Interventions | Cognition |
Giulia PiazzaPhD Student, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Other research interests include Psychological Interventions | Pharmacology | Neuroscience | Psychosocial | Cognition |
Alexandra PikePostdoctoral Research Associate, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Other research interests include |
Alexandra PitmanClinical Associate Professor, Division of Psychiatry I am interested in understanding risk factors for suicide attempt and in developing interventions to address them. I am currently working on the following areas:
Other research interests include Epidemiology | Suicide and Self-harm | Psychological Interventions | Children and Young People's Mental Health |
Lydia PooleResearch Fellow in Mixed Methods, Institute of Health Informatics Lydia 's research focuses on the psychobiology of chronic disease. She is particularly interested in how depression is linked to physical illness and the biobehavioural pathways through which depression can explain disease onset and progression. Her ESRC funded fellowship comprised a body of work exploring the similarities and differences in depression across different physical illnesses. Lydia has a growing number of first-authored publications in peer-reviewed journals and has co-authored five book chapters. She has participated in several international conferences hand has received travel awards to present her work. Other research interests include Epidemiology | Physical Health | Psychosocial | Wellbeing Priya RajyaguruChild and Adolescent Psychiatrist and Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Fellow, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Cognition | Epidemiology | Global Mental Health | Psychosocial | Wellbeing Lucy RingHonorary Research Fellow, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Serious Mental Illness | Trauma | Psychological Interventions |
Oliver RobinsonICN Group Leader, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience We try to better understand anxiety disorders and 'normal' adaptive anxiety and how they relate. We use threat of shock, functional magnetic resonance imaging, computational psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychopharmacology techniques. We ultimately want to improve outcomes for sufferers of anxiety. For more details visit my lab website: Other research interests include Neuroscience | Pharmacology | Psychological Interventions | Cognition |
Jonathan RoiserProfessor of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Our aim is to understand the neural and cognitive mechanisms underlying symptoms of mental illness, especially those relating to motivation. We utilise experimental techniques drawn from cognitive psychology, functional neuroimaging, psychopharmacology, and computational modelling, both in patient populations and healthy volunteers. Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Cognition | Neuroscience | Pharmacology | Physical Health | Psychological Interventions |
Gabrielle SheehanClinical Research Assistant, Queen Square Institute of Neurology Other research interests include Neuroscience | Older Adult Mental Health | Anxiety and depression in older adults and Parkinson's disease |
Argyris StringarisProfessor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Division of Psychiatry Professor Stringaris is the Chair in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry with the Division of Psychiatry and the Psychology and Language Sciences Department at UCL. He was until recently Senior Investigator and Chief of the Section of Clinical and Computational Psychiatry at NIMH/NIH in the USA and before that a Senior Lecturer and Wellcome Trust Fellow at the Institute of Psychiatry Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London. He trained at the Maudsley Hospital. He is a Clinician Scientist working to understand mood and the mechanisms that lead to depression and severe irritability (emotion dysregulation). He is studying how negative mood states arise and are maintained in the brain. He and his team use a broad range of methodologies stretching from computational modelling to clinical observation and randomised controlled trials in pursuit of understanding about mood. His latest work is about mood changes in the absence of events (Passage of Time Dysphoria) and about why humans may seek negative emotional states (i.e. choose not to be happiness maximisers at least for discrete time periods). He is collaborating broadly across the natural sciences (with engineers, physicists and mathematicians) and the humanities (historians and philosophers of emotions). Clinically, he is treating young people with mental illness, particularly those with severe anxiety and depression. Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Epidemiology | Neuroscience | Pharmacology |
Anahita TalwarStudent, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Other research interests include Neuroscience | Computational Modelling | Psychological Interventions | Cognition |
Muhammad UmarPhd Student, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Cognition | Epidemiology | Neuroscience | psychiatric genetics |
Vincent ValtonNIHR UCLH BRC Fellow - Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Other research interests include Pharmacology | Neuroscience | Cognition Muhammad Waqar Ashraf BhattiClinical Psychologist, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Psychological Interventions | Psychosocial | Wellbeing | Pharmacology | Neuroscience | Health and Social Care | Sexuality Dr Megan WatkinsSenior Researcher at National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (Collaboration between Royal College of Psychiatrists and UCL), Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Serious Mental Illness | Suicide and Self-harm | Trauma | Psychological Interventions Marco WittmannIndependent Senior Research Fellow, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Neuroscience | Children and Young People's Mental Health | Cognition | Psychosocial |
Keri WongAssistant Professor of Psychology, IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society My research interests are in the early assessments of childhood mental wellbeing, childhood paranoia/suspiciousness, antisocial and aggressive behaviours, and schizophrenia-spectrum disorders (schizotypal personality disorder) across cultures. Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Global Mental Health | Older Adult Mental Health | Physical Health | Psychosocial | Wellbeing |
Liam WrightResearch Fellow in Epidemiology/Statistics, Institute of Epidemiology and Health I am a Research Fellow in the Centre for Longitudinal Studies at UCL. My work uses genetically informed designs to explore social inequalities in health and change in inequalities across time. My PhD research was on the association between youth unemployment and mental health later in life (so called scarring effects). Other research interests include |
Justin Christopher YangResearch Fellow, Division of Psychiatry Other research interests include Substance Abuse | Serious Mental Illness | Pharmacology | Epidemiology Zhongyao ZhangPhD student, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Other research interests include Children and Young People's Mental Health | Global Mental Health | Health and Social Care | Psychosocial | Wellbeing Kristina ZhelcheskaPhD student, Queen Square Institute of Neurology Other research interests include Dementia | Cognition | Children and Young People's Mental Health | Neuroscience | Older Adult Mental Health | Trauma |