The Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers (WCIM) is offering a Post-Graduate and Post-Doctoral Research Awards for outstanding innovation/development in scientific instrumentation.
Eligible research and development activities must be directed at the methods, techniques and technology of measurement and instrumentation, including data analysis methods and algorithms, or their novel application to a science or engineering topic. Activities that simply use existing equipment and/or methods to further some broader research objective are not eligible:
For details see.
If you would like to be considered please email with the following:
- A brief description of your recent and proposed research (max 1 side of A4, min font size 10)
- A statement (no more than 250 words) from the candidate’s supervisor in support of the nominee;
- In the email please indicate in the subject line which award you are applying for (ie Post-Graduate Research Scholarship or Beloe Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship). UCL can nominate only one applicant per award. All nominated applicants are subsequently interviewed competitively in London for the award.
Deadline Wednesday 6th of December 3pm.