
UCL Division of Medicine


Open-Source Software Packages

At the Institute for Nuclear Medicine, our research and its translation to practice relies on a lot of software. We lead and contribute towards several Open-Source Software projects.

We currently lead the following three projects.


STIR is Open-Source Software for tomographic image reconstruction. Its aim is to provide a Multi-Platform Object-Oriented framework for all data manipulations in tomographic imaging. Currently, the emphasis is on (iterative) image reconstruction in PET and SPECT, but other application areas and imaging modalities can be added. STIR is written in C++ but its interface in Python and MATLAB is growing in functionality.

STIR has been available since 2000 and has been developed at several institutions. It is used by many researchers world-wide and has more than 200 citations. At the Institute for Nuclear Medicine, we maintain STIR and contribute to its development.

Access STIR


CCP PET-MR is an EPSRC-funded Collaborative Computational Project (CCP) in synergistic PET-MR image reconstruction, led by Dr Kris Thielemans. To enable researchers to develop and test new reconstruction algorithms for dual-modality imaging, we are developing a common software platform into 3D and 4D reconstruction of PET-MR data.

This will be achieved by standardisation of data formats, creating tools to export data in these data formats, and interfacing to packages such as STIR and Gadgetron. Researchers can use the software via Python and MATLAB interfaces.



PETPVC is software for Partial Volume Correction of PET images, but it can be used for other modalities as well. It was developed in collaboration with the Clinical Imaging Research Centre (Singapore).


What we use

In addition, we use many different Open-Source packages, including:

  • NifTK, a translational imaging platform developed by CMIC at UCL.
  • ITK: the Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit.
  • GATE, advanced opensource software by the international OpenGATE collaboration.
  • SIMIND, the Monte Carlo simulation packages.