Neuroimaging has transformed the study and clinical management of brain disease. Yet, we still need methods to measure regional brain pathology if we are to further our goals in clinical neurology.
Feature: Using magnets to influence the brain could lead to revolutionary new depression treatment
We have developed a method of manipulating star-shaped cells situated within the brain using microscopic magnets. The technique focuses on brain cells called astrocytes, whose roles include regulating cognitive behaviour. This could be used to treat severe depression, or post-stroke to tackle inflammation, or an alternative treatment for epilepsy.

Our work
Despite the huge impact of neuroimaging, there remains a clinical need for methods that provide sensitive and specific measures of regional brain pathology. This will improve the diagnosis, tracking and assessment of emerging therapeutics in clinical neurology.
At CABI, we develop novel neuroimaging techniques to provide new diagnostic and prognostic tools. We use neuroimaging to study fundamental basic science mechanisms and their role in stroke, epilepsy, and neurodegenerative disease.
In collaboration with the Gourine Lab, we have established an imaging platform for robust mapping of functional hyperaemia to both sensory and optogenetic stimulus, using BOLD fMRI and arterial spin labelling.

Principal Investigators

Brain perfusion
Cerebral blood flow during MCA occlusion (model of stroke) in 5 coronal slices across the rat brain (in-vivo), captured using arterial spin labelling MRI.

Imaging epilepsy
3D MRI of iron-oxide labelled antibodies (vascular cell adhesion molecule) to image seizure induced inflammation in epilepsy. A - control. B - status epilepticus.

Visual pathway
fMRI mapping of the mouse brain visual pathway

Optogenetic activation to a single, 10 ms, pulse of light captured with BOLD fMRI (varying light intensity)

Combined CBF/BOLD capture of functional hyperaemia using arterial spin labelling MRI with T2* weighted readout.
Alzheimer's disease
The Alzheimer's disease research group focuses on the use of non-invasive MRI to study the effects of pathological accumulations of the protein hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease – amyloid and tau – on brain structure and function.
In collaboration with industrial partner, Eli Lilly, our team have been conducting longitudinal studies of the effects of novel neuroprotective candidates, and using MR readouts to monitor disease progression, and therapeutic effect, long term.
Brain structural changes in Alzheimer's
Tensor based morphomtry of the mouse brain.
Results from structural analysis at 5.5 months, showing tensor-based morphometry statistical results overlaid on representative coronal slices of the final group average image after 15 iterations of non-rigid registration.
Red: regions where the rTg4510 brains are relatively locally smaller than the average and blue: rTg4510 brains are locally larger. Based on false discovery rate-corrected t statistics (q = 0.05).