
UCL Division of Medicine



Ultrasound with high image quality, increased frame rates, superb contrast, unrivalled resolution, and wide field of view. The system is easy to use, non-invasive and fast, providing high throughput.

How to get access


Paul O'Gorman Building, Bloomsbury

Available to

Academic and industry collaborators


From £100 per hour.


Matthew Grist (m.grist@ucl.ac.uk)


Working with CABI

The UCL Cancer Institute in Bloomsbury

Applications for Ultrasound

  • Cardiovascular research
    • b-mode for chamber volumes, ejection fraction and LV mass
    • m-mode and anatomical m-mode for fractional shortening
    • pulse wave Doppler for atrial, aortic, and carotid flow
    • colour and power Doppler for blood flow quantification & anatomical identification
    • needle guidance for closed chest intracardiac injections
  • Cancer research
    • 3D tumour volumes
    • Tumour perfusion
  • Developmental research
    • 3D imaging of embryos in situ
    • Monitoring brain development
    • Measuring cardiac function
  • Image guided injections
  • 3D visualisation
  • Neurobiology
  • Blood flow analysis
  • Hepatology
  • Nephrology
  • Ophthalmology

See applications at Fujifilm VisualSonics

Image of the the Vevo 2100 Ultrasound system

The imaging equipment for an ultrasound system

Ultrasound Imaging modes


  1. Superb B-Mode (2D) imaging for anatomical visualization and quantification, with enhanced temporal resolution with frame rates up to 740 fps (in 2D for a 4x4 mm FOV), and enhanced image uniformity with multiple focal zones
  2. M-Mode for visualization and quantification of wall motion in cardiovascular research, single line acquisition allows for the very high-temporal (1000 fps) resolution necessary for analysis of LV function
  3. Anatomical M-Mode for adjustable anatomical orientation in reconstructed M-Mode imaging; software automatically optimizes field of view for maximum frame rate.

Doppler Mode

  1. Pulsed-Wave Doppler Mode (PW) for quantification of blood flow
  2. Color Doppler Mode for detection of  blood vessels including flow directional information and mean velocities; as well as for identification of small vessels not visible in B-Mode.


  1. 3D-Mode Imaging for anatomical and vascular visualization, when combined with either B-Mode, Power Doppler Mode or Nonlinear Contrast Imaging. This allows for quantification of volume and vascularity within a defined anatomical structure.

2D: M-mode imaging of mouse left ventricle

Doppler: Color Doppler imaging in the mouse spleen

3D: B-Mode imaging of orthotopic hepatoma tumor. Dark blue tumor volume, blue liver, orange kidney.

Access this system