
UCL Division of Medicine



This scanner combines positron emission tomography (PET) with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It is used for cancer imaging as well as investigating heart and brain function.

For patients

This scanner looks like an MRI, but it has PET detectors under the cover in the middle of the magnet.

If your doctor requests this exam for you, your experience will be very similar to an MRI scan, but you will be injected with a very small amount of radioactive sugar beforehand. The exam will take anywhere between 30-60 mins, but you can bring music or podcasts to listen to.

To ensure the radioactive sugar goes to the right place, you will be unable to eat for 6 hrs before you arrive. To will also be asked to change into a hospital gown to avoid taking anything metal into the MRI scanning room.

Once the exam has finished, you will be able to eat and go about your normal business. We advise that you keep your distance from small children and crowds for the rest of the day.

If you have any other queries, please contact Dr Anna Barnes (anna.barnes@uclh.nhs.uk)

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3Mwipkwn-c

For referrers

The high resolution and sensitivity of PET/MRI captures minute details and produces superior three-dimensional images available on the 3T system.

The simultaneous image capture of the PET and MRI scans eliminates the potential imaging problems caused by involuntary patient movement, such as breathing and muscle relaxation.

When used for anatomical imaging, the radiation dose for patients is half that of the next best technology.

The combined scanner reduces the need for patients to come for multiple visits. Patient diagnosis is faster because imaging and overall information available from the scan is better.

The magnet is at 3T field strength based on Siemens Verio model.

Siemens PET/MR machine with labelling

Current clinical protocols include:

  • Whole body 18F-FDG with 3T MRI structural and functional imaging
  • Neuroimaging 18F-FDG with 3T MRI structural and functional imaging for epilepsy and dementia.

Current research projects underway include:

  • Differential diagnosis of dementia 18F-FDG with 3T MRI structural and functional imaging.
  • The role of PET/MRI in radiotherapy planning for meningioma using 68-Ga DOTATATE and 3T MRI structural and functional imaging. Biomarkers for angiogenesis and hypoxia using 18F-FDG and 3T MRI advanced functional imaging.


Prof. Ashley Groves

Prof. Ashley Groves
Research projects

Jamshed Bomanji Portrait

Prof. Jimmy Bomanjii
Clinical referrals

Basic silhouette in a circle, in light grey

Dr Anna Barnes
Tech details or development