SAT Team
The SAT was formed in 2012. We periodically review and refresh membership to ensure the SAT represent the broad range of staff and students within the DoM. Chairs rotate after each application cycle, but previous chairs stay on for at least one year to provide continuity. The SAT meet monthly within core hours, the day and time of the meetings varies to ensure all members can attend routinely. The meeting agenda is prepared and sent out by the chair in advance. Minutes are circulated and kept on the shared drive. In between the monthly meetings, SAT members often meet in smaller working groups focused on their particular activities, including surveys, mentoring, website updates and discussing the action plan.
The role of the SAT is to collect and reflect on a range of quantitative and qualitative data, to identify both challenges and opportunities concerning, but not limited to, gender equality. For example, we are proud to identify and address issues related to lack of support for career progression of BAME ARS. By introducing B-Mentorship we helped two ARS to gain research fellowships to become independent researchers.
DoM governing committee are members on our SAT, thus directly influence policies, practices and activities, wherever improvements regarding gender equality are required. SAT actions/updates are included as regular agenda items during DoM Town Hall meetings, Heads of Departments / Professors / PI meetings and at our annual Research Retreats. The Town Hall meetings, hosted by the governing committee, occur every term and matters ranging from career development, bullying and harassment to EDI are discussed openly by all staff and students. These help raise awareness of our AS activities, the SWAN principles more generally and served as a conduit for two-way dialogue which further influenced our Action Plans. Through its social media platforms, our ECR Network provides resources to support the career development and wellbeing of young female researchers.
The DoM SAT members:
- Vitor De Sousa Teixeira – Chair
- Manuela Platé – Co-Chair
- Mahnaz Abbasian -Laboratory Manager
- Ahmed Alhendi - Research Fellow
- Adrian Brown - Senior Research Fellow
- Aisha Carroll – Divisional Manager
- Edith Chan - Professor (Teaching)
- Annie Dooley - Teaching Administrator
- Marie-Belle El Mdawar (ML May) – ECR committee chair
- Rebecca Giddings – Clinical PhD student
- Derek Gilroy – Head of ARR Department
- Sandra Gomez Lopez – ECR Committee Chair
- Jude Holmes – Research Assistant, Department of Imaging
- Sam Janes – DoM Director, Professor Respiratory Medicine
- Abi Kadir - Teaching Administrator
- Anastasia Kalea - Principal Teaching Fellow Education
- Alison Kelly – Executive Assistant DoM
- Tony Kiangebeni - Learning Technologist, Department of Education
- Nephtali Marina-Gonzalez – Faculty EDI lead
- Roberta Perelli – DoM Safety Officer
- Kinga Podolak – HR Manager (ML cover)
- Markella Ponticos – DoM EDI lead
- Joanna Porter - Professor, Respiratory Medicine
- George Robinson – new ECR Committee Chair
- Riccardo Ronzoni - Senior Research Fellow
- Madeleine Rossanese – PhD Student
- Lizzy Rosser – DoM ECR Lead
- Angela Tam – new ECR Committee Chair
- Oyelade Tope - Laboratory Technician
- Zoe Whiteman – Research Fellow
- Jo-Anne Wilson - PG Teaching Assistant
- Rebecca Pointing - Senior Teaching Administrator