
UCL Division of Medicine


UCL Respiratory

The UCL Respiratory Research Department investigates the pathogens, diagnosis, and management of the major lung diseases, including lung infections, Interstitial Lung Diseases, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, and pulmonary oncology.

Key contacts

Co-Head: Professor Rachel Chambers
Co-Head: Professor Jeremy Brown

Location: Bloomsbury and Hampstead

PA / Administration

Catriona Heredia | c.heredia@ucl.ac.uk
020 3549 5979 (ext.65979)

Our work

Respiratory diseases are one of the commonest causes of ill health and mortality both globally and within the UK.

UCL Respiratory has around ten investigators researching how respiratory disease develops, identifying who is most at risk, and novel approaches to their management using diverse approaches. The diseases investigated include most of the common respiratory problems, including lung infections, lung cancers, COPD and ILD.

Our research is funded by an extensive portfolio of external grant funding (including multiple Wellcome, MRC and NIHR awards). It involves close collaborations within UCL, across the UK, and internationally, with centres in Africa, North and South America, Asia, Australasia, and Europe.

UCL Respiratory investigators work closely with their clinical colleagues. They often hold dual appointments with University College London Hospitals (UCLH) or the Royal Free Hospitals Trusts and are integral to the UCLH Biomedical Research Centre. These links help support translational and clinical research and ensures our research remains patient focussed.

UCL Respiratory investigators provide national and international leadership through positions on grant-giving organisations, conference organisation and clinical guideline committees, and contribute to technical reports from the World Health Organisation and other bodies.

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQrcYOWbKOw

Institute of Nuclear Medicine

The Institute of Nuclear Medicine is the UK's largest single site nuclear medicine department, serving an ever-larger number of patients (over 19,500 in 2020). It is also one of the most research active departments in Europe. We apply cutting-edge biological research undertaken on the UCL campus to overcome the diseases affecting our patients at University College Hospital and beyond.

Institute of Nuclear Medicine

A lady operating scanning equipment

Teaching and training

UCL Respiratory hosts a specialist MSc Respiratory Clinical Science. We are a major centre for clinical and non-clinical PhD students with a high success rate in obtaining external fellowships, and with our students frequently winning national and international prizes for their research. UCL Respiratory has regular NIHR-funded Academic Clinical Fellow (ACF) and Clinical Lecturer (CL) Respiratory posts, with many of the holders of these posts going to develop a career in academic medicine.

MSc Respiratory Clinical Science

UCL staff working in open-plan desk space with glass screens and doors to laboratories on the right

Our centres

Centre for Inflammation and Tissue Repair

Head of Centre

Principal Investigators

Lungs for Living Research Centre

Head of Centre

Principal Investigators

Centre for Respiratory Biology

Head of Centre

Principal Investigators

Institute of Nuclear Medicine

Head of Centre

  • Professor Ashley Groves


  • Professor Brian Hutton, UCL Deputy Head of Dept
  • Professor Jamshed Bomanji, UCLH Clinical Head
  • Professor Kris Thielemans, Academic Physics Head
  • Dr John Dickson, Head of Clinical Physics
  • Dr Francesco Fraioli, Associate Professor
  • Dr Balaji Ganeshan, Senior Research Fellow
  • Dr Kiell Erlandsson, Senior Research Fellow
  • Dr David Lilburn, Clinical Research Fellow
  • Dr Andrew Thornton, Clinical Research Fellow
  • Dr Richard Brown, Research Fellow
  • Robert Shortman, Senior Research Nurse, PhD Student
  • Raymond Endozo, Superintendent Research Radiographer
  • Darren Walls, Superintendent Radiographer
  • Luke Hoy, Senior Fellow, Research Radiographer
  • Maria Machado, Senior Research NM Technician
  • Marie Meagher, Senior Research Radiographer