
UCL Faculty of Medical Sciences


UCL clinical lecturer wins Fulbright Scholarship to study at Harvard

26 July 2022

Congratulations to UCL Medical School Honorary Clinical Lecturer, Dr Adam Boggon, who has received a Fulbright Award to study at Harvard University on one of the most highly-regarded and competitive scholarship programmes in the world.

Adam Boggon

Selected by the US-UK Fulbright Commission to study in the US, Dr Boggon will undertake a one-year Master of Public Health in Health Management at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston, Massachusetts.

After working in the NHS across Scotland, as a volunteer clinician in Sub-Saharan Africa, and in London during the Covid-19 pandemic, Adam hopes to explore health system organisation and delivery in detail to understand how to improve the systems through which the NHS provides clinical care.

Commenting on the award, Dr Boggon said: "I spent time as a medical student in Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda and know how rich an experience it is to learn within another culture. I am excited about this opportunity to participate in a scholarship programme that delivers real impact, advancing human knowledge and tackling global challenges."

Adam is a psychiatry trainee in East London. He grew up in Culross, West Fife, playing youth professional football and spent time at NASA through the Scottish Space School. He attended Queen Anne High School in Dunfermline where he was Head Boy before studying Medicine at St Andrews (BSc), Aberdeen (MBChB), and in East Africa with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (DTM&H) – winning national medals and awards for medical debating, steeplechase, and Scottish traditional singing. He’s practiced in Edinburgh, Inverness, Orkney, London, and at the MRC-Unit The Gambia. During the Covid-19 pandemic he worked in acute medicine and intensive care, helped establish an early vaccination centre, and coordinated the redeployment of over 300 doctors and medical students at the Royal Free Hospital. His writing has been shortlisted for the John Byrne Award, the Perkoff Prize, the Lancet Wakley Prize, and won the Mountaineering Scotland mountain writing competition.

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