Excellence in Medical Education Awards applications deadline is 11th February 2013
25 January 2013

The closing date (11th February) is nearly upon us for EMEA applications so get your form in to the QA Office quickly! These awards are open to anyone involved in undergraduate education. Their purpose is to provide a tangible means of recognition of exceptional contribution to education in any phase of the MBBS programme.
A selection panel, representing the Medical School Quality Management and Enhancement Committee (mQMEC) will consider applications and make recommendations for awards to be confirmed by the Vice Provost and Head of the Medical School, Professor Sir John Tooke.
Who can apply?
Applicants must be involved in the education of
undergraduates on the MBBS programme including:
- Any member of academic or administrative staff who is an employee of UCL
- Clinicians or administrators based at a NHS site (community or hospital)
- Teams working together to provide teaching may apply
- Members of support staff involved in the facilitation of student learning
Please note that if you have won an EMEA in the last three years you will need to show significant development in the field, OR be clear that the application is on the basis of clearly distinct work.
Check the Quality Assurance Office website for more details and how to apply.