
UCL Medical School


MBBS Curriculum Review – Governance Structure

This page provides information on the governance structure for the MBBS Curriculum Review.

Curriculum Review Steering Committee

Meets termly.

  • Review and approve proposals from the Project Management Group.
  • Receive reports from the Strategy Groups, Curriculum Planning Groups and Task & Finish Groups. 
  • Approve resource requirements including space, technology, financial impact, and staff.
  • Ensure relevant stakeholders are informed and consulted
  • Director of UCL Medical School – Professor Faye Gishen  
  • Deputy Head of Programme for Years 1-3 – Dr Sarah Bennett 
  • Deputy Head of Programme for Years 4-6 – Dr Aroon Lal 
  • Director of MBBS Education Management – Gaynor Jones 
  • Divisional Manager – Samantha Photiades
  • Academic Lead for Quality Assurance – Mr John Hines  
  • Academic Lead for Assessments – Dr Nimesh Patel 
  • Curriculum Review Project Manager – Ms Susan English 
  • Curriculum Review Clinical Lecturer – Dr Katie Wardle 
  • Faculty of Medical Sciences (FMS) Tutor– Ms Blathnaid Mahony 
  • Programme Development Advisor at the Higher Education Development and Support Institute (HEDS) – Ms Nataša Perović
  • EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity) representative – Mrs Helen Turner-Groves 
  • Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) representative  
  • Sustainability representative – Dr Manu-Priya Sharma (UCLH Climate Emergency Team)
  • 2x Student representatives (RUMS VP Years 1-3 & RUMS VP Years 4-6)   
  • External Scrutineer 
  • Director of Undergraduate (UG) Medical Education (Primary Care & Community) - Dr Will Spiring
  • NHS Trust representatives

Project Management Group

Meets weekly and reports to the Steering Committee. 

  • Alignment with aims and imperatives. 
  • Proposals, summaries, and reports for the Steering Committee.
  • Receive recommendations from the Strategy Groups.
  • Receive reports from the Curriculum Planning Groups.
  • Commissions Task & Finish Groups including Finance, Technology, Estates, Staffing. 
  • Determine timelines and monitor progress.
  • Prepare documentation for UCL Quality and Standards Committee approval.
  • Deputy Head of Programme for Years 1-3 – Dr Sarah Bennett 
  • Deputy Head of Programme for Years 4-6 – Dr Aroon Lal 
  • Curriculum Review Clinical Lecturer – Dr Katie Wardle 
  • Director of MBBS Education Management – Gaynor Jones 
  • Curriculum Review Project Manager – Ms Susan English 

Strategy Groups

Meet weekly. The Strategy Groups will develop into Curriculum Planning Groups with a wider membership including Assessments, Placement Providers, Digital Education and student representatives.  


Review and make recommendations on:

1. Structural changes:

  • Names, components, format, and lengths of modules

2. Curricular content and delivery (once structural changes are finalised):

  • Confirming the aims and intended learning outcomes (ILOs) 
  • Planning the student learning journey and teaching delivery based on the aims and ILOs.  
  • Outlining assessment method/s and timing in constructive alignment with the curriculum and teaching. 

Propose curriculum review projects for Associate/Clinical Lecturers. 


Years 1 and 2

  • Deputy Head of Programme for Years 1-3 – Dr Sarah Bennett 
  • Curriculum Review Clinical Lecturer – Dr Katie Wardle 
  • Curriculum Review Project Manager – Ms Susan English 
  • Year and Deputy Year Leads
  • Associate Director for the Division of Biosciences Undergraduate Education at the UCL Faculty of Life Sciences

Years 4, 5 and 6

  • Deputy Head of Programme for Years 4-6 – Dr Aroon Lal 
  • Curriculum Review Clinical Lecturer – Dr Katie Wardle 
  • Curriculum Review Project Manager – Ms Susan English 
  • Year and Deputy Year Leads 

Clinical and Professional Practice (CPP)

  • Deputy Head of Programme for Years 1-3 – Dr Sarah Bennett 
  • Deputy Head of Programme for Years 4-6 – Dr Aroon Lal 
  • Curriculum Review Clinical Lecturer – Dr Katie Wardle 
  • Curriculum Review Project Manager – Ms Susan English 
  • CPP Lead and Deputy Lead

Primary Care and Community

  • Deputy Head of Programme for Years 1-3 – Dr Sarah Bennett 
  • Deputy Head of Programme for Years 4-6 – Dr Aroon Lal 
  • Curriculum Review Clinical Lecturer – Dr Katie Wardle 
  • Curriculum Review Project Manager – Ms Susan English 
  • Director of UG Medical Education (Primary Care and Community) Dr Will Spiring

Curriculum Planning Groups

Meet fortnightly.

  • Planning
  • Feasibility
  • Timetabling
  • Content review
  • Teaching materials review
  • Link with assessments
  • CPP/Year/Deputy Leads (Chairs and Deputy Chairs)
  • Directors of UG Medical Education
  • Module Leads
  • Specialty Leads (Years 4, 5, 6)
  • Assessment representatives
  • MBBS EASE (Education Administration and Student Experience) staff
  • Digital Education staff
  • Divisional Finance Officer
  • Tariff Officer  

Task and Finish Groups

Meet as required. Remit as commissioned by the Project Management Group.