This MRes provides structured training in this diverse and multidisciplinary field and students may subsequently progress to an MPhil/PhD as part of a Doctoral Training Programme.
To find out core information about this degree, such as entry requirements, programme length and cost, visit the UCL prospectus site.
The MRes in Medical Physics and Bioengineering is a research-focused Masters degree, covering various aspects of physics and engineering in medicine. The programme involves modules chosen from a wide range offered by the department and a research project.
MRes or MSc?
Applicants will be considering what course is best suited to their career progression. The main difference between the MRes and the MSc programme is that the MRes is heavily focused on research, with the MRes Research Project module weighted double that of the MSc Research Project. The MSc has more taught modules which will develop the student's overall knowledge of Medical Physics. For students who wish to pursue clinical careers in the NHS, the IPEM-accredited MSc is likely to be the best option. Alternatively, for those who wish to pursue research careers or who want to delve deep into a particular research question, the MRes is the better option. However, students regularly seek to progress onto PhD programmes after completing the MSc.
Course Structure
The MRes is comprised of four taught modules at 15 credits each and a research project component weighted at 120 credits. Students are required to select three modules from Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering and have free selection to choose a fourth PG module from any other department in the college. Our selection of modules includes classes in Ultrasound in Medicine, Medical Imaging, Medical Electronics and Programming.
Students choose a minimum of three optional modules from the following:
- Medical Imaging with Ionising Radiation (MPHY0016)
- Clinical Practice (MPHY0027)
- Radiotherapy Physics (MPHY0028)
- Medical Electronics and Control (MPHY0029)
- Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (MPHY0041)
- Biomedical Ultrasound (MPHY0018)
- Computing in Medicine (MPHY0020)
- MRI and Biomedical Optics (MPHY0019)
- Applications of Biomedical Engineering (MPHY0039)
- Information Processing in Medical Imaging (MPHY0025)
- Computer-Assisted Surgery and Therapy (MPHY0026)
- Programming Foundations for Medical Image Analysis (MPHY0030)
- Medical Electronics and Neural Engineering (MPHY0037)
- Ionising Radiation Physics: Interactions and Dosimetry (MPHY0032)
- Research Software Engineering with Python (MPHY0021)
- Physiological Monitoring (MPHY0015)
Students also undertake a fourth postgraduate module relating to their research project, which they can choose from anywhere in UCL.
We generally require an Upper Second Class Honours (2:1) in a relevant undergraduate degree such as physics or an engineering discipline for entry but the minimum requirement is a 2:2.
When we assess your application we would like to learn:
- Why you want to study an MRes, in particular the research element
- Why you want to study this programme at UCL
- How your academic and professional background meets the demands of this challenging programme
- Where you would like to go professionally after your degree
If you are unsure about the relevance of your qualifications or experience please contact us at