- “High-content virtual histology for oesophageal adenocarcinoma”, NIHR Healthcare Engineering and Imaging Early Career Researcher Scheme
- “Accelerating the commercial translation of propagation-based XPCI”, EPSRC Additional Funding for Prosperity Partnerships
- “Textural analysis of explosive materials by high-resolution imaging and machine learning”, IRC (DSTL, DfT and other authorities)
- “Local oesophageal cancer treatment engineering to advance the understanding and treatment of oesophageal adenocarcinoma”, MRC Sandpits
- “X-ray micro-tomography to study the effect of fat structuring on ice cream microstructure”, Industrial grant form Unilever
- “Near field ptychography with a laboratory x-ray source: a new tool for brain tissue studies and beyond”, EPSRC New Investigator Award
- “Advanced x-ray imaging using laser-plasma driven x-ray sources”, Royal Society International Exchanges
- “Towards ultra-fast nanoscale X-ray imaging with a laser plasma source”, Royal Society International Exchanges
- “Nanoscale x-ray imaging from the synchrotron to the laboratory”, Royal Society Research Grants
- "Complete Material Characterisation Through A Single Polychromatic X-ray Scan", EPSRC New Horizons Scheme
UCL Healthcare Engineering Impact Fellowship
“In-process carbon fibre alignment monitoring”, EPSRC Future Manufacturing Hubs Feasibility studies
“Inferring Engineered Tissue Properties Combining In Vitro Experiments, High-Resolution Imaging and Mathematical Modelling”, Imaging BioPro Proof-of-Concept award
- “A new approach to material identification with x-rays based on the attenuation/phase duality”, IRC (DSTL, DfT and other authorities)
- “A new multi-scale x-ray micro computed tomography machine to enable (image-guided) non-destructive inspections of decellularised tissue”, EPSRC New Investigator Award
- “A multi-contrast X-ray nanoscope for multidisciplinary research”, Wellcome Trust Technology Development
- “A soft X-Ray Phase-Based Microscope for Biomedical Applications”, NIBIB/NIH
- “National Research Facility for Lab X-ray CT”, EPSRC National Facilities
- “Advancing intra-operative specimen imaging through cycloidal computed tomography”, WEISS Proof of Concept award
- “Innovative, CMOS-based sensor solutions for x-ray detection and imaging”, EPSRC “CASE” studentship (with ISDI co-funding)
- “Micro-radian x-ray scattering: transformative technology for industrial and medical diagnostics”, Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technology
- “Nikon-UCL Prosperity Partnership on Next-Generation X-Ray Imaging”, EPSRC Prosperity Partnership Programmes
- “Dynamic multi-modal x-ray imaging (DM-MX)”, EU H2020 ATTRACT Scheme
- “ML-CYCLO-CT: Combining cycloidal computed tomography with machine learning: a mechanism to disrupt the costly relationship between spatial resolution and radiation dose”, EU H2020 ATTRACT Scheme
- “Edge illumination x-ray phase contrast imaging with equiangular time-delay integration (EXPITIS)”, EU H2020 ATTRACT Scheme
- “XCOL: Low-cost, large area x-ray colour image sensors”, EU H2020 ATTRACT Scheme
- “UTXuCT X-ray phase contrast micro CT as a bridging imaging modality”, EU H2020 ATTRACT Scheme
- “Label-free multi-scale X-ray imaging”, Royal Society IEC\R2\192116 International Exchanges 2019 Cost Share
- “Next generation, quantitative optical imaging”, Royal Society University Research Fellowship Renewal
- “Low-cost, structured scintillators for x-ray phase contrast imaging and application to the early diagnosis of osteoarticular diseases”, EPSRC/UCL Impact Acceleration Account “Discovery to Use” (D2U)
- “Single-scan collection of 7-dimensional x-ray dataset for enhanced threat detection”, IRC (HOSDB, DfT and other authorities)
- “Improving the outcomes of oesophageal interventions through novel x-ray based imaging methods”, EPSRC Healthcare Impact Partnership
- “Multi-modal imaging for characterization and testing of advanced materials”, EPSRC “CASE” studentship (with Nikon co-funding)
- “New Zeff/SCATTeff from 8-dimensional data acquired in a single scan”, IRC (HOSDB, DfT and other authorities)
- “X-ray elastography: a novel approach to breast imaging”, EPSRC First Grant.
- "Exploiting the DART reconstruction algorithm for phase-based computed tomography”, Royal Society International Exchanges travel award
- 2017 Stjepan Marcelja Visiting Fellowship, Australian National University
- “Miniaturisation of the EI XPCI set up to meet the practical requirements for a pre-clincial imaging system”, Industrial grant from Perkin Elmer
- “Efficient intraoperative detection of tumour margins through x-ray phase contrast CT”, Wellcome/DoH HICF scheme
- “Fast and cost-effective x-ray phase contrast tomography for image guided therapy”, EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship
- “Proof-of-concept investigation of the potential of edge-illumination x-ray phase contrast for pre-clinical imaging”, Industrial Grant from Perkin Elmer
- “Next generation, quantitative, pre-clinical imaging”, Royal Society University Research Fellowshi
- “Next generation X-ray detector”, UCL Faculty of Engineering strategic equipment grant proposal
- “A novel approach to CT and micro-CT for phase-based x-ray imaging and beyond”, EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship
- “Laboratory-based x-ray dark-field microscopy and microtomography”, Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship
- “Evaluation of edge-illumination based phase contrast and dark-field CT for commercialization of the method in biological and industrial applications”, Industrial grant form NIKON
- “UCL cross-disciplinary advanced X-ray imaging centre”, EPSRC “Strategic Equipment” bid
- “Imaging ultra-small angle x-ray scattering with edge-illumination: exploiting sub-pixel information in medical diagnostics, materials science and security screening”, EU-Funded Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships
- “Detecting explosives and weapons via high-throughput multi-modal x-ray imaging – full prototype”, IRC - (Home Office, DfT and other authorities)
- “Investigating the potential of edge-illumination based x-ray phase contrast imaging in the field of angiography”, EPSRC “CASE” studentship (with Siemens co-funding)
- “A UK facility for 4-D and correlative imaging using x-ray nano computed tomography”, EPSRC Strategic Equipment Investments (led by Dr. Paul Shearing, UCL Chem Eng – A. Olivo co-I)
- “Evaluation of edge-illumination based dark-field imaging for commercialization of the method in industrial applications”, Industrial grant form NIKON
- “Translation of quantitative 2D coded aperture phase contrast imaging from the synchrotron to the preclinical laboratory”, Burroughs Wellcome Fund (led by Dr. Mike Wesolowski, University of Saskatchewan – A. Olivo co-I)
- “Detecting explosives and weapons via high-throughput multi-modal x-ray imaging – feasibility phase”, IRC (Home Office, DfT and other authorities)
- “Towards a clinical translation of x-ray phase contrast imaging to angiography”, UCLB Proof-of-concept grant
- “X-ray modeling of explosive simulants”, Industrial grant from Iconal
- “Further development of code-aperture x-ray phase contrast imaging for commercialization of the method in industrial applications”, Industrial grant form NIKON
- “Three-dimensional quantitative x-ray phase imaging”, EPSRC “Developing Leaders”
- “Laboratory-Based Coded Aperture X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging”, EU-Funded Marie Curie “Career Integration” Grants
- “Maximizing sensitivity and resolution in edge illumination – based X-ray phase-contrast imaging methods”, EU-Funded Marie Curie “Career Integration” Grants
- “Single-Shot, Laboratory-Based Quantitative X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging through Energy-Resolved pixelated detectors” STFC “Futures” Studentships
- “Evaluation of coded-aperture x-ray phase contrast imaging for commercialization of the method in industrial applications”, Industrial grant form NIKON
- “Taking x-ray phase contrast imaging into mainstream applications”, Royal Society, RS Scientific Discussion Meetings plus Satellite “Theo Murphy” International Scientific Meeting at the Kavli Centre
- Retreat grant for the AXIm group, EPSRC, Creativity at Home
- “Achieving a step change in osteoarthritis research through innovative imaging tools”, UCL-Imperial “kickstart” grant (A. Olivo co-PI with Dr. Massimo Marenzana, Imperial College)
- “Transforming the use of x-rays in science and society”, EPSRC, Challenging Engineering award
- 2010 “Phase modulation technology for X-ray imaging”, EPSRC, Multidisciplinary research at RCaH (led by Prof. Ian Robinson, UCL Phys. and Astr. – A. Olivo co-I)
- “X-ray phase-contrast breast tomosynthesis”, EPSRC (through DTA) plus Industrial Partner (DEXELA Ltd), PhD Studentship
- “A novel phase contrast technique with the potential of revolutionizing x-ray imaging applications in medicine, biology, industry and security”, EPSRC, Career Acceleration Fellowships
- “Development of a novel mammography system based on x-ray phase contrast imaging”, Wellcome Trust, Translation Awards
- “X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging (XPCi) for increased sensitivity and reduced cluttering”, HOSDB, Innovative ideas for explosives and weapons detection R&D
- “PC RAD – Towards a clinical implementation of phase contrast radiology”, EU, Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships