
Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering


Spotlight: Prof David Hawkes

Professor Hawkes founded the Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC) in 2005, acting as Director until 2015. He teaches as part of the MSc in Medical Image Computing and MRes in Medical and Biomedical Imaging courses.

Congratulations to Professor David Hawkes, who has been awarded the Enduring Impact Award Prize by the MICCAI Society. 

" The Enduring Impact Award Prize is the MICCAI Society’s prestigious annual prize, awarded to a senior researcher whose work has made an enduring impact on the field of medical image computing and computer assisted interventions. 

Professor Hawkes’ illustrious career has spanned over three decades, and his contributions to his field have been vast. Before becoming Founder and Director of the Centre for Medical Image Computing, he was the Director of the EPSRC and MRC funded Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration on Medical Images and Signals (MIAS-IRC), an £8M six year programme, from 2003 to 2007, and Chairman of the Division of Imaging Sciences at KCL (2002-2004). 

Hawkes’ is also co-Founder of IXICO Ltd. (www.ixico.com), a university spin-out that provides imaging solutions to the pharmaceutical industry. In 2010, Hawkes’ was awarded a £6M EPSRC Programme grant “Intelligent Imaging: Motion, Form and Function across Scale”. He was also PI of the £818k EPSRC Challenge Engineering project "Medical Imaging Markers of Cancer Initiation, Progression and Therapeutic Response" (2013-2016). He is also on the Boards of the UCL CRUK Cancer Centre and the UCL Medical Informatics Centre. He is currently supervisor or co-supervisor of eight PhD students and author or co-author of over 300 peer reviewed scientific publications.