
Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering


Spotlight: Dr Bradley Treeby

Dr Bradley Treeby is an EPSRC Early Career Fellow within the Department. He is a Principle Investigator within the Biomedical Ultrasound Group, and also teaches the acoustics of ultrasound module as part of our undergraduate and master’s courses.

Congratulations to Dr Bradley Treeby, who has been awarded the 2017 R. Bruce Lindsay Award by the Acoustical Society of America. 

Bradley Treeby

About the award

The R. Bruce Lindsay Award, formerly called the Biennial Award, is presented in the spring to a member of the Society who is under 35 years of age on 1 January of the year of the Award and who, during a period of two or more years immediately preceding the award, has been active in the affairs of the Society and has contributed substantially, through published papers, to the advancement of theoretical or applied acoustics, or both. The award was presented biennially until 1986. It is now an annual award and consists of a cash award of $3000 USD.

Bradley’s Research

" My research sits at the interface between physical acoustics, biomedical ultrasound, numerical methods, and high performance computing. In particular, I am interested in developing fast and accurate models of how ultrasound waves travel through the human body. This involves studying many interesting acoustic phenomena from a physical perspective, and then devising novel ways in which these can be captured by a numerical model. Much of my work has been released as an open-source acoustics toolbox for MATLAB called k-Wave. These models have important applications in both ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging, and dosimetry and treatment planning for ultrasound therapy. I work with a multidisciplinary team, and currently collaborate with researchers from a range of backgrounds, including mathematics, physics, computer science, radiology, haematology, oncology, and neurology.