
Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering


MPHY0011: Medical Instrumentation 2

Module information

Unit value: 0.5

Year of study: 1

Term: 2

Course organiser: Dr Prabhav Nadipi Reddy

Second examiner: Dr Adam Gibson


The purpose of this module is to introduce some aspects of medical instrumentation including micro controllers, control theory and noise and interference in bio signals. Furthermore, students will be introduced to specific considerations involved in designing electronic circuits that are used for medical applications, including safety of medical electronic devices.

Aims and objectives

Students will be able to: 

  • Modify and run programs on a microcontroller (Arduino)
  • Understand negative and positive feedback systems and their applications in biomedical engineering
  • Identify noise and interference in biomedical signals
  • Design strategies to remove noise/interference from the signals
  • Identify ad test for electrical safety hazards in a given medical electrical/electronic device
  • Design to eliminate/reduce electrical safety hazards in medical instruments

Brief syllabus 

Topics covered include:

  • Microcontrollers
  • Control theory
  • Electrical safety
  • Noise and interference

Teaching and exams

Teaching will consist of:

Lectures: 16 hours

Labs: 22 hours

Required written work: 16 hours

The assessment will consist of:

Unseen written examination (3 hours) worth 50% of the total course mark. Assessment of practical skills and understanding: Report not he work done in the lab sessions worth 50% of the total course mark.


We require understanding of electronics as met through actively engaging in MPHY0011 Medical Instrumentation 1 Module. If you feel you meet the prerequisites through a non-standard route, please contact the module organiser. 

Specific knowledge assumed

Mathematics: Familiarity with manipulation of equations, trigonometry, differential and integral calculus (mixed polynomial and exponential functions), exponentials, vectors, and basic matrices. Basic analysis and presentation of data skills re required (Excel, Matlab, etc).

Electronics/engineering: Familiarity with basic electronics: voltages, currents, resistance, capacitance and inductance, notions of frequency. Understanding of op-amp circuits - differential and instrumentation amplifiers, active filters. Practical skills int he electronics lab: knowing how to use a power supply, a signal generator and an oscilloscope. All these are covered in MPHY0004 Medical Instrumentation 1. 

Core texts

Due to the wide variety of topics covered, reading material will be assigned to the students in the course.