Departmental Forum: January
27 January 2020, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

This month's Forum offers a series of fast-talk presentations from six different research groups across and connected to the department.
Event Information
Open to
- All
Zoe Ohman02076797716
Room 1.02Malet Place Engineering Building2 Malet PlaceLondonWC1E 7JEUnited Kingdom
13:00-14:00, Monday 27 January
Room 1.02, Malet Place Engineering Building
Adrien Desjardins (PhD Programme Tutor): Introduction
Terence Leung (BORL): Using a smartphone as a clinical screening device
Andre Altmann (COMBINE lab): Connecting imaging data with genetic data
Jennifer Steeden (Centre for Cardiovascular Imaging): Harnessing the power of machine learning to speed up cardiac MRI
Peter Munro (Advanced X-ray Imaging Group, Photoacoustic Imaging Group): Highly realistic computational models of light propagation in tissue
Elly Martin (Biomedical Ultrasound Group): Experimental research in biomedical ultrasound
Esra Aytac Kipergil (Interventional Devices Lab): All-optical ultrasound and new sensing technologies