Student Awards Evening
04 December 2019, 5:00 pm–7:00 pm

The annual Student Awards Ceremony celebrates some of our students' achievements in the past year. All staff and students of the department are welcome to join the reception.
Event Information
Open to
- Invitation Only
Zoe Ohman
Room 2.14Malet Place Engineering Building2 Malet PlaceLondonWC1E 7JE
Please join us in celebrating the hard work of our students, as they are recognised with for their achievements in the following categories:
London Myeloma Support Group Prize for Outstanding Contribution in promoting Medical Physics
Aman Ganglani – MEng Biomedical Engineering
Sidney Russ Prize for Best Undergraduate Finalist Student
Preena Patel – IBSc Medical Physics and Bioengineering
John Clifton Prize for Best Non-Finalist Undergraduate Student
Asta Olafsdottir – BEng Biomedical Engineering
Joseph Rotblat Prize for Best Masters Student
Adam Rudrum – MSc Physics and Engineering in Medicine
IPEM Prize for Best Project
Yungyang Cui – MSc Physics and Engineering in Medicine
Robert Speller Prize for Best Paper by a PhD Student
Sana Hannan – Imaging fast electrical activity in the brain during ictal epileptiform discharges with electrical impedance tomography, NeuroImage: Clinical
Instron Group Prize for Best Research Project in Materials and Mechanics Module
Hou Cheung, Suhongrui Zhou and Katarina Pedersen – Suitability of Acetal for Knee Joint Implant team