- 2012
"The application of computational biomechanics in clinical science - aortic root in health, disease and post-operation"
Dr Ryo Torii, UCL Mechanical Engineering
"Tissue biomechanics"
Dr Rebecca Shipley, UCL Mechanical Engineering
"Temperature profiles of a two-litre bio-artificial liver device during cryopreservation"
Mr Patrick Kilbride, UCL Institute for Liver and Digestive Health at the Royal Free
- 2011
"A lipid-shedding mechanism to explain microbubble stability."
Jean-Pierre O'Brien, UCL Mathematics/Mechanical Engineering
"Inclusion of Arterial Elasticity in Cerebral Blood Flow Simulations"
Mr Gary Doctors, UCL Chemistry
"Next generation finite element and boundary element methods for wave problems."
Dr Timo Betcke, UCL Mathematics
- 2010
Modelling Problems in GI Physiology
Jonathan Gosling (GI Physiology Unit, UCLH)
Edge to Edge Simulation of Mitral Valve: A Fluid-Structure Interaction Approach
Kevin Lau, CoMPLEX PhD Student, UCL Mechanical Engineering
email: k.lau@ucl.ac.uk
Decompression Model for Divers
Jean-Pierre O'Brien, PhD Student, UCL Mathematics
email: jean-pierre.o'brien@ucl.ac.uk
Cavitation in High Intensity Focussed Ultrasound Treatment
Dr David Sinden, UCL Mechanical Engineering
Progress on some problems: airborne spread of infection & glaucoma
Professor Ian Eames, UCL Mechanical Engineering
- 2009
"Friction between a curved surface and a conformable sheet"
David Cottenden, PhD Student, Department of Medical Physics and Bioengineering, Continence and Skin Technology Group, UCL
email: d.cottenden@ucl.ac.uk
"Modelling Fluid Dynamics of the Bladder"
Marios Tziannaros, PhD Student, Department of Mathematics, UCL
email: marios.tziannaros@ucl.ac.uk
"Can we do Photoacoustic Imaging with a Single Detector"
Ben Cox, Department of Medical Physics and Bioengineering, UCL
email: bencox@mpb.ucl.ac.uk
Retinal Oxygenation
Ranj Rajendram and Harry Bradshaw, Institute of Ophthalmology, UCL
email: 2eyez2c@gmail.com and ranjan@doctors.org.uk
"Flow through tortuous tubes with applications to the urethra"
Stephen Glavin, PhD student, Department of Mathematics, UCL
email: glavin@math.ucl.ac.uk
"Circle of Willis blood flow dynamics"
James Page, PhD Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, UCL
email: J_PAGE@meng.ucl.ac.uk
"Ultrasound contrast microbubble scattering"
Jean-Pierre O'Brien, PhD Student, Department of Mathematics, UCL
Email: jean-pierre.o'brien@ucl.ac.uk
"Progress of GENIUS and inclusion of arterial elasticity"
Gary Doctors, PhD Student, Chemistry Department, UCL
email: g.m.doctors.03@cantabgold.net
"Methods with possible application to problems in medicine"
Professor Jean-Marc Vanden Broeck, Department of Mathematics, UCL
email: ucahjva@ucl.ac.uk
"Forward and inverse problems in photoacoustic tomography"
Ben Cox, EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow - UCL Medical Physics
email: bencox@mpb.ucl.ac.uk
Website: http://www.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/research/mle
"Fractals in the Vascular System"
Vivek Muthurangu, Senior Clinical Research Fellow, Institute of Child Health, UCL
email: v.muthurangu@ich.ucl.ac.uk