
UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing


Diana Cruz De Oliveira & Pegah Khosropanah - CMIC/WEISS Joint Seminar Series

23 February 2022, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

Diana Cruz De Oliveira & Pegah Khosropanah- talks as part of CMIC/WEISS Joint Seminar Series

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UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing and Wellcome/EPSRC Centre for Interventional and Surgical Sciences

Speaker: Diana Cruz De Oliveira

TitleDeveloping a Framework for Generating Mitral Valve Scalable Models


The mitral valve (MV) is a complex anatomical structure, whose shape is key to several traits of its function. Computational methods accounting for a subject’s MV shape assess MV biomechanics in pre- and post-operative scenarios, with potential to improve surgical planning. Model accuracy is sensitive to valve geometry and obtaining image-based patient-specific geometries is usually time-consuming. Parametric MV models can therefore be developed and employed in a comprehensive study of MV dynamics. This study focuses on developing a computational tool enabling the quick generation of anatomically accurate and clinically useful parametric models of the MV. The valve was parameterised using MATLAB. Geometric parameters describing the entire shape were implemented and used to scale the geometry. The developed model, available as a toolbox, can generate a population of models from (1) patient-specific dimensions obtained from medical imaging or (2) averaged dimensions evaluated from empirical equations, based on the golden ratio. The MV mesh is automatically obtained and employed in the creation of an input file for finite element simulations using LS-Dyna; the mesh file itself is compatible with a range of modelling software. This framework allows for the automatised and user-controlled generation of tailored MV geometries, and the creation of input files for finite element analysis in less than 5 minutes. The toolbox can be used to study the influence of morphological MV parameters on its function. Inputted patient-specific parameters can be used to create a range of diseased scenarios and the respective biomechanics can be evaluated through computational simulations.


Speaker: Pegah Khosropanah

TitleEEG-based Source Localisation (ESL)


EEG-based Source Localisation (ESL) can be utilised as a part of the pre-surgical evaluation to provide added-value information for the Epileptogenic Zone (EZ) delineation. It is an emerging model-based computational technique whose overall clinical yield depends on the head model, inverse solution, and EEG electrode density (73-91%). ESL is a cost-effective and non-invasive method that is specifically beneficial in MRI-negative cases, extra or basal temporal lobe epilepsy, multifocal lesions such as tuberous sclerosis or cases with multiple hypotheses. This valuable method and some of our findings will be shared in the upcoming talk.


Chair: Geoff Parker