Markus Nilsson, LUnd University - CMIC/WEISS joint seminar series
10 February 2020, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm
Markus Nilsson, LUnd University - a talk as part of the CMIC/WEISS joint seminar series
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90 HH function space90 High Holborn90 High HolbornLONDONWC1V 6LJ
Markus Nilsson, Lund University
Title - Microstructure imaging in the brain by diffusion-relaxation MRI with tensor-valued encoding
MRI offers a unique way to study the microstructure of living tissue in vivo in a non-invasive manner. Microstructure features such as cell sizes, shapes and orientations all leave their mark on properties of water such as its diffusion and relaxation. By encoding information about the diffusion and processes, these microstructure properties can be inferred from the MRI data. However, MRI is performed with approaches that limits what type of information that can be retrieved from the imaging data. Recent result have demonstrated that more information can be retrieved by using more advanced encoding such as b-tensor encoding and variable echo times. In this talk, I will cover the foundation of so-called compartment models, and how diffusion-relaxation experiments can be optimized for accuracy in the parameter estimation. I will illustrate where there are still experimental limitations, and outline cases where the new type of acquisition schemes can change the interpretation of imaging findings.
Speaker's bio:
Markus Nilsson is Associate Professor at the Department of Radiology at Lund University. His research covers the development and application of new methods for microstructure imaging with diffusion MRI. He holds a M.Sc degree in Engineering Physics, and received his PhD in diffusion MRI from Lund University in 2012. Nilsson leads the group that pioneered so-called b-tensor encoding at clinical MRI scanners. By redefining the way of doing diffusion encoding at clinical scanners, they have demonstrated that substantial improvements in the ability to non-invasively quantify the tissue microstructure with MRI. Nilsson is the author of more than 70 papers and inventor of 4 patents. Nilsson has organized several scientific events including b-tensor encoding workshops, and now serves on the Annual Meeting Program Committee of the ISMRM.