Henk-Jan Mutsaerts - CMIC seminar series
06 February 2019, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm
Talk by Henk-Jan Mutsaerts, Amsterdam UMC/UMC - as part of our seminar series
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Roberts LT 106Roberts BuildingMalet PlaceLONDONWC1E 6BT
Henk-Jan Mutaserts, Amsterdam UMC/UMC
Title - ExploreASL toolbox: a robust and reproducible image processing workflow for single- and multi-center ASL MRI studies
Arterial spin labeling (ASL) has undergone significant development since its inception with focus on standardization and reproducibility of the acquisition and quantification. ExploreASL presents a concerted effort towards robust and reproducible clinical ASL image-processing software called ExploreASL that can integrate and support large data sets from multiple centers, MRI scanners and on multiple operating systems. ExploreASL is implemented in MATLAB and open to collaborations through a public repository. It adheres to previously defined international standards for data structure, provenance and best analysis practice, and is based on the established Statistical Parameter Mapping (SPM12). ExploreASL may not only facilitate the standardization of clinical research, but also the pooling of clinical studies to increase statistical power and further discover pathological perfusion changes.
Henk (Henri JMM) Mutsaerts is an MD PhD with a passion for image processing. His research focuses on the development of arterial spin labeling (ASL) perfusion MRI as clinical biomarker in aging and aging-related disease, and is stratified in three trajectories: 1) standardization, 2) differentiation and 3) application of ASL as an imaging biomarker. 1. Standardization includes the development and standardization of ASL image processing to improve multi-center reproducibility. Henk is leading the development of ExploreASL, a software effect to standardize ASL image analysis from single subject level up to large multi-center cohort studies. ExploreASL started as a spin-off from the EU-COST action ‘ASL in Dementia’. Henk analyzed ASL data from ~30 clinical studies worldwide, moderates the international standardization of ASL data structure (BIDS), and develops standardized ASL quality control within the European Prevention of Alzheimer’s Dementia Consortium. 2. Differentiation entails the discovery of (patho-)physiological components in the ASL perfusion signal and the ability to distinguish between them. Henk has several international collaborations for developing: a) a novel image processing method that “flip-thinks” artifacts on perfusion scans to extract vascular information, b) partial volume correction, aimed at separating the structural and localized tissue perfusion components. 3. Application of ASL in clinical research, clinical practice and pharmaceutical trials bridges research and clinical practice, through collaborations with companies such as Philips Healthcare, Mediri and Gold Standard Phantom.
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