
Mechanical Engineering


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

UCL Mechanical Engineering is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion and to creating an environment that is inclusive, fair, respectful and equal.

Kennedy Dinner 2023.
Kennedy Dinner 2023 - An annual celebratory dinner for students,staff and alumni of UCL Mechanical Engineering.


UCL defines ‘equality’ as the absence of unjust social hierarchy such as those based on age, disability, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and religion, and ‘diversity’ as the presence of different cultural traditions and identities.

We wish to foster a positive cultural climate where all staff and students can flourish, where no one will feel compelled to conceal or play down elements of their identity for fear of stigma.

We are part of a faculty-wide and university-wide plan to implement an Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Strategy.

Equality, diversity, and inclusion resources

Group and policy websites:

Our equality, diversity, and inclusion strategies:

Diversity at MechEng

UCL MechEng Summer School 2022
UCL MechEng Summer School, 2022 - Wonderful young students from the Insight into University programme from the EDT put through their paces for a week at UCL Mechanical Engineering. a lot of work and a little play.

UCL Student Society of Women Engineers

Founded in 2013, the UCL Student Society of Women Engineers aims to create a meaningful community body of women in all fields of engineering – at both postgraduate and undergraduate level.

Membership is £5 per academic year and gives members access to all events. Members get the chance to win sponsorship to external events.

The society organises:

  • Opportunities for networking
  • Professional development
  • Mentoring

It also encourages participation in outreach activities, inviting women from academia, industry or other backgrounds to speak to members.

Visit the UCL Women's Engineering Student Society website

Girls events which have taken place at MechSpace

The day long girls on track event
The day-long girls on track event at our student hub MechSpace, 2023 - Over 100 school girls from the London region came to participate in a range of motorsport related activities, including presenting, first aid, reflex exercises, miniature racing and a pit stop challenge.


School event at UCL MechSpace 2023
School event at UCL MechSpace, 2023 – Girls Day School Trust events, 120 girls across 7 schools visited UCL Mechspace.