



Complex is an EC funded project. This is an acronym with the full title of the project given by "Bringing Citizens, Models and Data together in Participatory, Interactive SociaL EXploratories"

The proposes visionary research to develop modelling, computational, and ICT tools needed to predict and influence disease spread and other contagion phenomena in complex social systems. To achieve non-incremental advances it will combine large scale, realistic, data-driven models with participatory data-collection and advanced methods for Big Data analysis. In particular it will  go beyond the one-dimensional focus of current approaches tackling one aspect of the problem at a time. Cimplex will interconnect contagion progression (e.g. epidemics) with social adaptation, the economic impact and other systemic aspects that will finally allow a complete analysis of the inherent systemic risk. As a tangible ICT outcome directed at facilitating the uptake and impact of the project, Cimplex will implement "Interactive Social Exploratories" defined as interactive environments which act as a front-end to a set of parameterizable and adjustable models, data analysis techniques, visualization methods and data collection frameworks.
For more information please visit the Cimplex website here.