


Student support

We have a limited amount of Money available from the London Mathematical Society to support research students' attendance at this meeting.

Depending on demand, we may be able to cover the following costs for research students studying at Universities in the UK who do not have other means of financial support:

* reasonable economy class travel
* accommodation in London

We will only consider those students who have applied to present a paper or poster at the meeting; we will not accept accommodation costing more than 150 + VAT per night, and would hope that applicants could find accommodation at a much more reasonable rate (see the Accommodation page for suggestions).

To apply for this support, applicants should send the following information by Sunday 12th February 2012 to Dr Helen Wilson by email (helen.wilson@ucl.ac.uk):

(1) Name, university address, and PhD topic
(2) Title and abstract of BAMC paper or poster submitted through EasyChair
(3) A letter from your PhD supervisor confirming that you are a UK research student and explaining why there is no other financial support available (e.g. Doctoral Training Award)
(4) Evidence of what your travel and accommodation costs will be

Successful applicants will be notified by Thursday 16th February 2012 to allow registration after the results are known without incurring a late fee.