


Plenary Lectures

The confirmed plenary speakers are:

  • Professor Oliver Bühler
    (New York University)
    - IMA Lighthill Lecture 
    Nonlinear wave-vortex interactions in shallow, deep, and quantum fluids
  • Professor Darren Crowdy
    (Imperial College)
    The "Hole Story": how to solve problems in multiply connected geometries
  • Professor Mark Peletier
    (Eindhoven University of Technology)
    Gradient Flows, Optimal Transport, and Fresh Bread
  • Professor Yuriko Renardy
    (Virginia Tech)
    - Stewartson Memorial Lecture
    A mathematical perspective on thixotropic yield stress fluids
  • Professor David Spiegelhalter (University of Cambridge)
    - Public Lecture
    The Maths of Luck, Coincidence & Tragedy