Department News, June 2019 - Part 2
28 June 2019
- The department achieved a Gold Award for sustaibility from GreenUCL. Many thanks to the Green Team, headed by Robb McDonald, for making this happen.
- The department is delighted to announce the following promotions, effective from 1st October 2019:
Costante Bellettini: Associate Professor
David Hewett: Associate Professor - and was also awarded FHEA this week
Felix Schulze: Professor - The following students have passed their vivas:
- Yupeng Jiang, with a thesis titled "Joint distribution of passage times of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck diffusion and real-time computational methods for financial sensitivities", supervised by Andrea Macrina and Marc Henrard
Congratulations Dr Jiang! - Andrei Yafaev has been awarded a Leverhulme Trust grant entitled "Diophantine problems related to Shimura varieties".