Information about where to find help and advice with problems academic or personal.
Departmental advice and support
If you have any problems or difficulties, please discuss them with a member of staff. Specific questions about mathematical problems in your courses should in the first instance be taken up with your small-group tutors (first year students) or the appropriate course lecturer (all years). For more general questions (academic, personal, financial, accommodation, etc) you can talk with the following people (follow links for more details):
- Your personal tutor
- The Departmental Tutor, Dr Mark Roberts (Room 604a) (Tel: 020 7679 2833; e-mail: m.l.roberts AT
- The Head of Department, Professor Christian Boehmer (Room 608), or any other member of staff you know
UCL advice and support
The UCL Student Support and Wellbeing team is a group of exper wellbeing, disability and mental health advisers, who provide a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space in which you can discuss any issues that may be affecting your ability to study. The Student Support and Wellbeing team is now located in the Student Centre. Please see their webpages for further information regarding student welfare: UCL Student Support and Wellbeing
- Here to Support You - a guide to UCL Student Support and Wellbeing services
- UCL Student Psychological and Counselling Services (formerly known as Student Counselling Service), located at 3 and 4 Taviton Street (5 minutes walk from the Department): students can just go along there or phone (020 7679 1487). The UCL Student Psychological Services provide completely confidential help on all personal issues
- UCL Union - Rights and Advice office
- UCL Student Disability Services
- International Student Support and Welfare
- LGBT+ Student Resources
- Specialist information and support for specific groups of students, including Mature Students, Student Parents, and others
- Study Abroad Team
There are, of course, other organisations outside College which offer support, for example Nightline, a telephone and email support service. You can find a more detailed list of external support organisations here.
Academic issues
If you become unhappy with your degree programme, or feel that you are falling behind and can't cope, or are experiencing other problems, it is very important that you contact the Departmental Tutor, Dr Mark Roberts (or another member of staff of the Department) straight away. These difficulties can often be resolved but it is much easier if they are dealt with promptly (this is true regardless of whether you need some help to continue with the course, wish to change course, or even to give up the course).
If you experience racial or sexual harassment, please discuss it with someone from the list above. More details on this are given in the UCL Student Handbook.
You can also use the UCL Report + Support site to report incidents or request advice regarding bullying, harassment or sexual misconduct.
Please also see the following:
- Accommodation
The UCL Student Residences Office is located at 117 Gower Street (Tel: 020 7679 6322) and has information about Halls and Houses administered by the College or the University. The University of London Accommodation Office (ULAO) is at Student Central, Malet Street (Tel: 020 7862 8880) and has information on private and other accommodation. For more details, please see the UCL Student Handbook.
- Careers
The UCL Careers Service is located at ULU Building, Malet Street (Tel: 020 3549 5900), and can provide a variety of services. The careers tutor in the Department is Dr Steve Baigent (Room 802b).
All Mathematics students are also automatically enrolled on the Maths and Stats Careers Moodle page, run by UCL Careers, where you can discover what you can do with your degree, learn how to source jobs and work experience, as well has how to improve your CVs, applications and interview performance. The page acts as a central resource for the events and guidance offered specifically for our students.
For further information, see UCL Careers or the relevant section of the UCL Student Handbook. You can also contact the careers administrator, Mr Harry Donnelly (Room 610) in the Department, for information on various career talks that take place in the Department each year.
If you wish to use a member of staff as a reference for job applications or further study, please see the relevant section here.
- References
You may well wish to use members of staff (e.g. your personal tutor, the Departmental Tutor, or another member of staff who knows you) as referees for jobs or further study. Please seek the permission of whoever you are going to use as a referee (although you may use the Department Tutor, Dr Roberts, as a referee without asking permission). In any case, it is a good idea to talk briefly to your referee, and perhaps to give them your CV. Third and fourth year students are asked to fill in a "self-reference" form which both helps your referee to write your reference and provides you with the chance to have some input to your reference. Please also see information under "Data Protection Act".
- Students with Disabilities
Students with a disability or long-term health condition are encouraged to talk to UCL's Disability Support team to find out how we can support your study. The Department is able to make reasonable adjustments and other arrangements for students who require it, e.g. for the taking of examinations. If you wish to enquire about such arrangements, please contact SSW's Disability Support advisors, or the Departmental Tutor, in the first instance.
- Data Protection Act
This relates to the Mathematics Department: there is also general information on the UCL website.
At the start of session you will have been given a form setting out the Department's normal procedures in relation to your rights under the Data Protection Act. If you have agreed to the Department administering your student career in the way described, you will have signed the form; if not, you will have discussed the matter with the Departmental Tutor, and alternative arrangements will have been made. The normal procedures specified on the form are as follows:
Photographs: (i) We will take a photo of you, which may be stored digitally; these photos may be displayed in the students common room, Room 502 on the 5th floor, for ease of identification. (ii) We may also wish to display photographs of departmental activities to publicise these. (iii) The Department maintains its own webpages; we may wish to publish student names and e-mail addresses here. We may also wish to publish the names of those students who are awarded a prize on the departmental website.
Academic procedures: (i) Marked written work will be put out for collection in the relevant lecture or left at a collection point in the main Department office or returned to your student pigeonhole in room 502. (ii) Provisional examination and Degree Results will be displayed on the 5th floor noticeboard by candidate number only.
References: References will be provided to companies and educational institutions during your time of study here and for two years afterwards without specific permission from you. If you require references after this time, you will need to contact the referee. (Also see section on References)