These take place on an (almost) weekly basis during term time. Talks are given by PhD students for PhD students. They are generally followed by tea and biscuits in the staff room.
All seminars will take place on Thursdays at 5pm in Room 505 which is located on the 5th floor of the Mathematics Department. See How to Find Us for further details. There will be tea afterwards in room 606.
If you require any more information on the Postgraduate seminars or would like to give a talk, please contact Tom AShbee e-mail: ashbee AT
Friday 18th January 2013
Louise Jottrand
Title: Shadow boundaries of convex bodies
24th January 2013
Matthew Hunt
Title: 2D surface waves from 3D flow in electrohydrodynamics - The derivation of a new equation
7th February 2013 - cancelled
Jamil Nadim
Title: TBA
21st February 2013
Marcus Schofield
Title: Hybrid diffusions as financial returns processes
28th February 2013
Thomas Ashbee
Title: Generalized Hamiltonian point vortex dynamics on arbitrary domains using the method of fundamental solutions
7th March 2013
Yoshinori Hashimoto
Title: Kaehler-Einstein metrics on algebraic manifolds
4th April 2013
Oliver Southwick